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A/N: Red is wearing the purple one, Rex is wearing the teal one and Rye is wearing the navy blue one

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A/N: Red is wearing the purple one, Rex is wearing the teal one and Rye is wearing the navy blue one.

After Halloween, the club decided to wear Traditional Kimonos again but inside instead of outside. Tamaki is observed with showing teary eyes at his guests to show that their beauty brings the hosts to tears since they are lucky to be with the guests. While the orange haired twins flirt with one another, revealing that their mother is a fashion designer.  Customers compliment the kimonos, saying that they all look handsome wearing them, expect saying that Honey, Haruhi and Red looked cute.

The hosts expect Haruhi, Rex, Rye and Red were fake crying to the guests to trick them, this caused the triplets to frown since they were using eye-drops and Haruhi to complain about how that it is wrong of them to do that. While Haruhi was talking to Kyoya about how that the club shouldnt fake sadness, what they didnt notice was Renge the club's manger take photos of all the hosts and as well as selling them to guests but Red noticed. She went up to the manger and spooked her out causing Renge pushing Red on the floor by mistake. When that happened, Red made a squeak which caused everyone in the club to look at Renge and Red. Kaoru and Hikaru  quickly got up and picked up Red since they were right near her. "What happened Red?!" The twins asked the girl which all she did was point to the camera Renge was holding.

This then led Renge to explain that she is selling photos to other people of the club because the money isnt doing so good at the club, which then made her gasp and clap her hands. "We should make a movie! OMG! Yes that's what we are going to do!" Renge squealed which caused the hosts to frown and the guests to squeal at the idea.

~Time Skip~

The next day, Renge shows up with home-made cookies. Rex and Rye looked at the cookies and frowned shaking their heads while looking at their sister. "Dont eat that." Rye started and Rex finished. "You don't know what is in them." Rex finished. But it was too late as Honey and Red both take a cookie from Renge. And right when Red takes a bite, she spits it out and Honey says the cookies are burnt, at which point Renge is seen as Medusa Renge, chasing Honey, Red and Mori (who was carrying both of the short hosts) who flee from her in terror. 

 Haruhi tries one and says it has a good flavour so Hikaru bites a piece off the cookie between Haruhi's lips and Kaoru licks crumbs off her cheek. When Honey offers Renge a glass of milk, she snaps. Shifting into manager-mode, she tells them that each host must develop a "dark side" to keep their customers interested, Kyoya, of course, is perfect. Honey is labeled "the baby-faced thug;" Mori is the "flunkie;" the twins are neurotic sports stars; Haruhi is a bullied honor student and Tamaki is "the lonely prince." Then she looked at the triplets and nodded her head. "Rex, your dark side is that you are the heir of the family but you aren't a fan of your family's company!" She started when she pointed to Rex. Rex looked at her like she was crazy.

"Rye's dark side would be that he doesn't care about his siblings and only showing that as a cover-up. And that he wants to take over the family company from Rex!" Renge started which caused Rye to close his book and look up at her with a frown shaking his head. "Then Red's dark side is that he puts on this cute side because he wants to be a girl instead of a guy!" She finished which caused the Threats and the Host club to widen their eyes.

~Time Skip~

A basketball game was being played, everyone in the crowd cheered on the twins but gasped when one of them falls. Kaoru is injured and Hikaru runs to his brother and screams holding him tightly to prove their "Forbidden Brotherly Love" act. Then Tamaki is viewd standing the rain and sighs quietly seeing the twins in each other arms. He looks at them with envy, wishing he had someone to hold or be held. Then it moved to Honey who was walking with Mori towards Haruhi with a menacing look on his face.  All of a sudden, he breaks down and throws his arms around Haruhi saying he can't be mean to her. Renge calls, "Cut!" and it's revealed that she's producing a film about he new and improved Host Club, using a real Hollywood director.

Then Renge said action on the Threats' scene which all the host club watched to see how it will go. It started with Rex looking down at the piano keys with a sigh, running his fingers through his hair. "Why does it have to be involved with music? Why couldn't it be something else?" Rex said to himself, he frowned and turned around but his eyes widen when he saw Rye standing by the door holding books in his hands. "You should be asking 'why is it me? Why do I have to the heir.' It should be me! Music is everything to me and I am more capable then you!" Rye shouted which surprised the hosts and Rex.

The scene changed to Red looking at dresses with a sad expression, Red went to touch the dresses but then fell on the floor holding her head in her hands. Red whispered quietly looking back to the dress with the most painful expression. "Why...Am...I...Like...This...?" Then she got up biting her lip, she touched the dress and then turned away from them and headed out of the room with a fake smile. After that Renge called "Cut!" again, she clapped her hands saying that she was happy how the triplets acted. Rye looked at his older brother and gave him a hug whispering quietly for only those to hear. Rex nodded and patted his head mumbling back. Honey skipped to Red and gave her a hug. "Red-chan! You are so good!!!!" Honey yelled happily with a blush. 

Red nodded softly and pointed to her stuffed bear with the eye-patch. "Bunick." she said which caused Mori to pass it to her since he was sitting beside the bear. Then Renge calls for Haruhi to play her scene with two Ouran students who, because they look tough, Renge casts as. What the two girls didnt notice was Red was already there sitting down beside the ladder. When Renge grabs the arm of one in order to direct him, he pushes her off causing her to fall into a ladder which begins to tumble onto her. Haruhi shoves her aside but and they both fall to the ground and the ladder lands on top of Red.

Tamaki arrives on scene and upon seeing Haruhi on the ground with tears in her eyes, he hauls off on the bit players though, as it turns out, she's only crying because her contact popped out. But Haruhi gasped seeing Red under the ladder from the whimpering. This caused Tamaki to panic and try to lift the ladder with the help of Haruhi. Renge loves the ad libbing and asks the film crew if they caught it. When they say yes, Kyoya smashes the lens with a rock saying he can't allow a record of any host engaging in violence plus he didnt want anyone to see Red in pain. When Renge asks why he's acting so differently but she got ignored when Kyoya called the ambulance to hurry to the school as Red was having trouble breathing as Tamaki held her in his arms whispering smoothing words.

While that was happening, the other hosts and Red's brothers came to the scene. Rex's eyes went dark seeing his sister in pain. Rye's eyes widen seeing the scene, he then quickly took Kyoya's phone and turned it off, shaking his head. Which surprised Kyoya. "Why would you-" Kyoya started but Rye spoke in a quiet voice so Renge didn't hear. "They will find out who Red is." Which made Kyoya understand, then Rex picked up Red from Tamaki's arms. "We will be going home." Rex said then turned to Renge. "You will pay if Red is worse then what he is showing." This scared Renge and the Threats left.

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