The Threats' Birthday (Part 1)

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Third's P.O.V

After injury Red got, she didn't come back to school after two weeks since she still couldn't move around without being in pain. While she was away at home recovering, Rex stayed away from the club since he didn't see no point being there if his sister wasn't there. But Rye kept going to not disappoint his guests as well as Haruhi. As the club was opened, Rye was reading at the window sill since he didn't have any guests at the moment but his alone time was put on paused when Haruhi went up to him with a cup of tea. 

"Hey Rye-kun, I was wondering if you would like some tea to go with your book?" Haruhi asked which caused Rye to smile softly at her, it wasn't the normal smile he showed to his guests, those were fake. The smile was a real one he only shows to his siblings, Nana, Gran and butlers. He gently took the cup from her hands and thanked her, he took a sip and went back to reading. Even though Rye wanted to talk more to Haruhi, he didn't have the courage to because he was afraid that he would start to show his true self and that Haruhi wouldn't like him. Rye felt eyes still on him so he looked over and noticed Haruhi still standing beside him. "Can I help you Haruhi-san?" Rye asked which caused her to blush and she nodded her head shyly. "I was just wondering, when your siblings and your birthday is?" She asked which caused the Tamaki who was near them turned his head to hear.

Rye hummed quietly and tilted his head then looked at Kyoya. "Kyoya-sempai, what day is it?" Rye asked since Kyoya was on his laptop, Kyoya didnt look up but answered the boy. "November 15th." Which then caused the guests and the rest of the hosts to listen in on the conversation. "Then that means, it is in five days." Rye responded which caused people to gasp at the news expect Kyoya who knew information on the triplets. Right when someone was about to ask Rye a question, the doors to the club opened and Rex's voice spoke.

"Rye. It's time to go home. Let's go." Rex's fans gasped since they havent seen him in weeks but Red's fans pouted when they didnt see Red with Rex. The middle triplet nodded and cleaned up, he then said goodbye and left with his brother.

~Time Skip to after the club with only the hosts~

"I cant believe that the Threats' birthday is soon and they didnt tell us!" Tamaki pouted while sitting down at the table. "I mean technically they didnt have to tell us, Kyoya-sempai already knows." The two orange haired twins said together which made the other hosts to look at the glasses host who was typing on his laptop. "What should we do? We should celebrate but how?" Honey-sempai asked while he held Usa-chan. This caused all the hosts to think but then Kyoya closed his laptop. "I already got an idea. But someone needs to make sure of things." He started then looked at Haruhi. "Haruhi, would you be able to check somethings for me?" he finished which surprised the hosts cause first he already had an idea and he was asking Haruhi nicely. The girl nodded her head since she wanted to know more about Rye and talk to him more.

~Time Skip to Monday~

Red was able to come back to school but wasnt allowed to move by herself, so she was put in a wheelchair with Rex pushing her down the halls. As Rex and Red made their way to class without Rye as he wanted to go look for more books in the library, Red's face was more blank then usual as she didnt want to be in the chair.

Rye was heading to the library without looking causing him to bump into a body, but he was able to stop himself and the person he bumped into from falling, causing him to be on his back and the person to be on top of him. Rye opened his eyes and looked at the person to see it was Haruhi, this caused both students to blush bright red and for other students around them to have their nose bleeding. Haruhi quickly got up and helped Rye up to his feet. "I-I'm so sorry Rye-san!" she spoke with biting her lip. Rye smiled softly and softly ruffled Haruhi's hair while saying "It's okay, I wasnt watching where I was going."

The two of them then headed to the library together before going to class since they both had the idea of getting some books. "So is this Wednesday is your birthday..." Haruhi started off and Rye nodded while looking at the books in the library when they reached it. "And Kyoya-sempai's is Friday." Rye answered which surprised Haruhi since she didnt know. "How did you know?" she asked which made Rye to chuckle at the question while he grabbed a couple of books. He looked at her and smiled softly. "Some guests told me how Rex, Red and I's birthday is two days before his." he lied, he didnt want Haruhi to know that he asked his agent that is looking for his parents to also look into the club members' information.

Haruhi nodded believing him, then she grabbed a book for herself while biting her lip. "What are going to do for your birthday? How do you guys celebrate it?" Haruhi asked which caused Rye to stop reaching for a book. He tilted his head thinking and shrugged going back to getting the book he was reaching for. "We don't do anything. We just say 'happy birthday' and then just be on our own. Nothing special." Rye stated then headed to the front desk at the library to check out his books. This surprised Haruhi because she thought that all rich people throw parties for birthdays. She followed him with some books in her hands. "When was the last time you guys had a birthday party?" She carefully asked, afraid that it would upset Rye. He didnt answer for a moment making Haruhi about to say "Y-you dont have to-" but was cut off by Rye's answer.

"We stopped throwing parties when we were 5." Rye answered and left the library with Haruhi following him in shock. "Wait so it's been 9 years since you had a party?!" Haruhi asked which Rye nodded as they headed to class. Rye walked in and sat in his seat placing his books in his bag. Haruhi didnt know what to say as she was shocked, all she did was sit in her seat and before the Hitachiin twins could ask what she got, the bell rang and the teacher walked in.

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