We Are Sorry

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After what Tamaki said, Rye and Rex glared at him and Red looked at them with shock and sadness. The shock expression was that they found out and no one told her. The sadness expression was that she felt ashamed for not telling them and it was her fault. Red looked down and her brothers watched knowing how she was feeling because they were shocked that Tamaki spilled it out and in public, and sadden that they didn't tell Red. The second year host who said that, was frozen, he didnt know what to do. He hoped that it was a nightmare, but what got him out of shock was when Red looked at him and the other hosts. "I'm sorry." She said which surprised her friends because they wondered why she would be sorry. But before one of them could speak up, she ran out of the place and down the streets. 

Rex and Rye looked at their sister running, normally they would follow her but they then looked at the hosts, mostly Tamaki. "You messed up." Rex said which made Tamaki to look down while Rye called someone to get rid of the cameras that recorded them and to have a chat with everyone who was working that day. Kyoya also called someone to do the same thing as Rye and also to look for Red.

~With Red~

She ran, but didnt know where, just kept running. Although she is small, sleeps a lot, gets carried all the time, she has always been fast. Red finally stopped running when she looked at the music store she saw. She saw the name of the store with a shocked face and wide eyes as the name. Triplet Threats. It read, that was the name she remembered her parents calling her brothers and her when they were all together. Red was about to walk in but stopped when she saw Mori walk up to her. She looked at the tall boy with tears as she felt bad for keeping her life a secret to wonderful people and also finding this store. Mori didnt say anything but gave a small smile with his arms opened, Red walked to him and wrapped her arms around his neck as he was kneeling down.

Mori picked her up and walked back to the cars that had the hosts and Red's brothers waiting. He got in the car and sat down with Red in his lap keeping quiet. Rex and Rye looked at their sister while Haruhi rubbed Red's back and Honey tried to give Red candy.  The drive back was quiet but not for the triplets as they were talking in their heads. "How long did they know..?" Red asked her brothers, Rye answered. "A while it seems. They found out from Nana." This surprised Red and Rex hummed quietly agreeing with his younger brother. "Oh...Why didnt they tell me..?" Red asked which caused Rex look at his sister and tilt his head meaning 'Are you kidding me?' Red saw this (as well as Mori) which caused her to nod in understanding.

They finally got back to the Threats' house, the triplets got out and were walking to their house when they got stopped by Tamaki gently grabbing Red's hand. "We are sorry.. Well I am.." He said with a sad face which caused Red to look at him. She didnt respond but removed her hand from his and turned around heading inside. Red would have said it's okay but she needed time and she thought this was her fault for lying.  Rye followed his sister while Rex stayed to look at the hosts, slowly showing his real self. "Give her time." Rex then walked inside leaving the hosts stun.

~Time Skip~

The triplets sat in their study room with their butlers, they were looking for more information on their parents by themselves once Red told her brothers and butlers what she say. "Are we sure that this could be connected?" Rye asked which Rex looked up and looked at his siblings. "I believe it is. And I trust Red." Rex said which caused his younger siblings to nod and keep looking. As they looked for more information with their butlers, they heard Archer knocking on the door before opening. "You have a guest, Rex, Rye and Ruby." Archer said while moving to the side to show Haruhi. The Threats looked up and tilted their head seeing Haruhi, Rex watched with confusion on why she was here, Red looked at Haruhi with wonder while her brother Rye looked at the girl with a soft smile and a blush. 

"Can we help you Haruhi?" Rex asked nicely since he got yelled by Rye in his head to be nice. Haruhi smiled shyly and pulled out cookies. "I just came to I am sorry to Red for keeping it a secret that I know who she is... And also to let her know that she didnt have to be sorry for not telling us." Haruhi explained which made Rye to smile at her and for Red to nod whispering quietly. "No I am sorry..." Which made Haruhi to shake her head gently and softly pat her head. "It's okay, I mean I am lying about my gender too to the students." This made Red to smile softly and hug her fellow friend.

~Time Skip (A/N: I know that there is a lot of skips, I'm sorry)

It was the next day and the triplets made their way to class but got stopped by Mori and Honey in the hallway. The two third years looked at Red, which caused students around them to stop and watch with wonder. "We are sorry Red-chan!" Honey said while hugging her tightly with tears which caused the girls to gasp and have heart eyes at the scene. Mori then walked closer and handed Red a teddy bear keychain. "We are truly sorry." Mori said which shocked everyone since he barely speaks. Red hugged Honey and nodded saying it is okay, while her brothers watched.

The two third year hosts waved bye and headed to class, while the triplets went to class. "They are so dramatic." Rex said which caused Rye to laugh, Red to giggle as well as Haruhi who joined them. Once they reached their class and walked in, they saw Hikaru and Kaoru holding up a sign saying. "We are super duper sorry Red! Forgive us!" This made Rex and Rye to almost beat up the twins since this was getting out of hand but all Red did was smile a bit and nod while Haruhi shook her head.

After class, the first years headed to the club with Karou carrying Red on his back as a way to say sorry. Once the six first years made inside, they went to their tables and Red saw a note from Kyoya and a piece of cake at the Threats' table. The note said; Sorry that Tamaki is a dumb-ass. I will let you not deal with guests for a week. This made Red to giggle and to see Kyoya watching, which made her nod taking the cake and heading to the window eating. As the club started, Tamaki tried many times to find a way to say sorry to Red. He felt horrible and didnt know how to say sorry for blurting out her gender.

Rex noticed and kept watching the king of the club who kept looking at Red during the whole time. The first Threat child got up and walked to him and shook his head with his arms crossed. "You know, its not that hard to say it. And its not like Red will not forgive you." Rex said nicely, his old self returning slowly which surprised both Tamaki and Tamaki's guests. They were shocked it was Rex and not Rye. Tamaki looked up at Rex, who looked at his sister sighing quietly. "All you gotta do is say I'm sorry." Rex said then walked back to his table while going back to his 'bad-boy' self. 

Tamaki looked at Red one last time and got up after excusing himself with his guests who understood. Tamaki walked to Red who was writing in her music book while eating her third piece of cake. She looked up when she felt eyes on her and tilted her head a bit as she watched Tamaki got on one knee taking her right hand in his. He kissed her hand softly and whispered to her looking at her with guilt. "I am sorry Ruby.. Please forgive silly old me?" Tamaki bite his lip waiting to see what would happen. Red blushed when he kissed her hand and softly nodded her head whispering for only her and him to hear. "It's okay Tamaki-sempai... I am sorry for not hiding myself." This made Tamaki smile softly and shake his head telling her he understood and it's alright.

A/N: Okay, so I hope this chapter is okay, and sorry if I rushed things...

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