Part 2 Naughty Mornings

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The throbbing pain in my shoulder forced me from the blissful peace of sleep. I sighed and peeled my eyes open to glare at the light streaming through my window. I blinked wondering when I had even opened the stupid thing. It was too early for everything to be this bright. The bed shifted under me and my attention drifted away from the window. 

Bed's weren't supposed to move.

I looked down and froze. I was basically laying on top of Tao with one leg and one arm thrown over him like he was some body-pillow I could use at will. I gulped and tried carefully to shift off of him.

Tao muttered something and rolled. His legs trapped mine between his and his hand slid up along my back underneath my shirt. I froze again. Staring at Tao's dark grey shirt I tried to wrack my brain for a solution. How was I supposed to get out of this? The pain in my shoulder was annoying but as long as I didn't try to move it would be alright for a couple minutes, maybe. I just didn't want to wake Tao. He was probably still exhausted from climbing all the way up here last night to check on me.

My eyes flickered to his face. Sleepy golden-brown eyes looked back at me. His eyes weren't completely open but he certainly was not asleep. My eyes widened and the edges of Tao's lips inched up mischievously.

"I'm pretty sure the guy is supposed to be the one plotting to sneak away in the morning." Tao muttered.

"I uhm... I wasn't... sneaking... I was just... I..."

I was sneaking. He knew it. I knew it. And no matter how desperately my brain scrambled around for another excuse there simply wasn't one.

"Muy traviesa, dulzura." Tao tisked.

"Wh...what?" I gulped.

"I said you are naughty." Tao raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry I... didn't want to make you uncomfortable but I didn't mean to be rude." I stammered. I was sure my cheeks had turned beet red and I hated knowing I was making such a fool of myself.

"Dulzura..." Tao laughed putting his fingers over my mouth to stop my babbled apology. When he was sure I had no intention of continuing my apology-rant his fingers slipped away from my mouth to tuck my hair behind my ear. He leaned closer so that his mouth was only a few inches from my ear.

"...I like naughty." He whispered.

My heart froze in my chest as my brain registered his words. Tao shifted back just enough to catch my eyes. He gave me a moment to finish processing his actions and then he leaned forward brushing his lips against mine. My heart beat kicked into over drive. Tao repeated the motion as before waiting for my response before pushing any further. I tilted my head up meeting his lips and was instantly rewarded with a kiss followed by a swipe of his tongue.

I took a deep breath and returned the kiss swiping back. Tao let out a breath of air that sounded like approval.

He shifted on the bed so that I was laying on my back instead of my side. His hand tangled in my hair and then his tongue slipped into my mouth. I tried to focus on returning the kiss but the feeling of his hand against the bare skin of my back was so distracting.

Tao seemed to understand my dilemma. He pulled back from the kiss and instead kissed down my jaw to my neck. His hand slid away from my back to my side and slowly lowered to my hip. He nipped at my neck and I bit my lip to keep from making the same stupid noise I'd made last time. Tao's tongue swiped over the sting his mouth had just created. His hand slid down to the side of my panties and he twisted at the flimsy material.

"I love that you sleep like this." He growled in my ear and kissed at my neck again. "It's almost as good as nothing would be."

"Tao..." I whispered tugging at his shirt.

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