Part 11 Surgery.

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Aydan and I sat in silence until Theo came back into the room. The pain medication that Theo had given me made it difficult to think beyond the tingles that were compensating for my burning shoulder.

"Well?" Aydan asked and I opened my eyes to see Theo take the seat opposite Aydan.

"They're calling in an orthopedic surgeon." Theo nodded. "From the x-rays it looks like a dislocation and separation."

"Can that be caused by just a fall?" Aydan asked.

"Dr. Evans was concerned about a partial separation after the last dislocation. Everything was so swollen from Stephan yanking her around it was hard to tell exactly what was damaged. So it is possible." Theo said.

"But we were waiting to see if I needed surgery." I said quietly. It took a minute for my brain to register the word surgeon as in I had to have surgery.

"I know but surgery is unavoidable at this point sweetheart." Theo said.

I took a deep breath and nodded. This wasn't my first surgery and it probably wouldn't be my last. Still, going under a knife never seemed to get easier.

"Do you want me to call your parents for you?" Aydan asked.

"Please don't." I whispered. The last thing I wanted was to try and deal with my mothers anger on top of the uncertainties of surgery.

Theo and Aydan exchanged a glance.

"Do you want to get started on the questionnaire for the surgeon?" Theo asked.

I nodded. There wasn't much point in waiting. I'd have to do it sooner or later.

"When was the last time you ate?" Theo asked.

"Uhhm yesterday morning I think." I said.

Aydan sat up strait in his chair and Theo lowered the clip board as they peered over at me. Aydan looked at Theo. There was a tilt here and a slow blink there but I couldn't tell exactly what was going on. It was like they were talking without having to say or do anything.

"Why?" Aydan asked turning his attention back to me.

I shook my head. I could see how angry they both were and even though none of that anger seeped into Aydan's question it was only a matter of time before that anger would be directed at me. I couldn't handle that. My parents anger was one thing but Aydan's... I had no idea what that would look like and I didn't want to. I just wanted to lay there and enjoy the tingles before the pain came back.

"Your mother?" Theo asked.

I glanced over at him. I intended to shake my head again but the understanding and resignation that reflected back at me told me that Theo already knew the truth.

"She took your sling and your prescription away AND she is not allowing you to eat when you are home?" Aydan asked. His tone was so calm and patient compared to the blaze in his eyes. I'd never seen green fire before but it was fascinating and very intimidating.

I gulped and nodded. I was supposed to be honest here. I'd promised them that I would try.

"Why?" Aydan asked again. They had already worked out that this was a punishment. There was no point in denying it.

"Because I couldn't do a simple combination..." I said quietly.

            My honesty settled hard among them. Aydan and Theo appeared to be having another silent conversation. All I could tell from the exchange was that they were both very unhappy with this news. 

When Theo finally looked back at me my nerves had frayed so much I was afraid to keep answering their questions.

"She asked you to try and dance after only being out of the hospital for a few days?" Theo asked.

I considered Theo's question carefully. It was another one that I could nod or shake my head at but it wouldn't be the whole truth if I did. Omittion wasn't honesty. Theo's analyzing green eyes were so focused on mine. There was no way he would believe it let alone a full-blown lie. 

"My mother doesn't ask anything." My answer was more telling than I had expected it to be but it was the whole truth and I was trying desperately not to lie to them.

"She forced you to practice?" Aydan asked.

I nodded.

"And when you didn't perform well enough is when she took away your medication and your sling?"

I nodded again.

"And then she made you do it again today and that's how you hurt your arm?"  Aydan's voice seemed to be growing harder with each question.

Still I forced myself to nod again.

Aydan took a deep breath, stood up, and left the room. I turned toward Theo with wide terrified eyes. Theo looked almost as angry as Aydan had. He looked from the door where Aydan had disappeared over to me and his face softened.

"He's not angry with you, sweetheart. He's angry with your parents." Theo said.

"What's he going to do?" I asked.

"I don't know but knowing Aydan and how furious he is I'd say that you aren't going home any time soon." Theo said.

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