Part 37 Weird

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My mother was furious. Apparently I was ten minutes late for an appointment I did even know I had. It was another hair appointment. The stylist did some kind of half twist and left the bottom half down in loose curls. After that she did what she referred to as "light" make up. Some how her version of light make up involved a lot of natural shades and fake eye lashes.

            Despite my displeasure I couldn't deny that I looked pretty good. The word polished came to mind again and I inwardly cringed. She was prepping me for something and knowing my mother it was not going to be anything good.

"Go upstairs and put on your dress." My mother ordered as soon as we stepped through the front door. I gave a quick nod and made my way upstairs.

"Don't forget to take off that ridiculous sling and put your ring on." She yelled after me.

            My ring? I knew what she was asking for but I didn't have a ring from Stephan. I couldn't recall ever having had a ring from him. Jewelry problems aside I was still beginning to panic. If she wanted me to wear Stephan's ring it could only mean one thing. Stephan was coming tonight.

            I ran the rest of the way to my room and ripped the cell phone out of my closet. My hands were shaking too bad to send a text and the fear clawing it's way up my throat was threatening to take over if I didn't hurry.

            I sank down onto the carpet and tapped furiously at the call button next to Aydan's name. The phone only rang twice before Aydan's soothing voice came over the line.

"Breathe Baby." Aydan said immediately.

I pulled in a long slow breath and then another before finally speaking.

"Stephan's coming tonight. My mother wants me to put on his ring and I don't even have a ring." I stammered out.

"We're counting on it. The ring won't be important if everything goes according to plan." Aydan said calmly.

"Wh-what?! What plan?!" I hissed.

There was a quiet pause. I knew what the pause meant. Aydan couldn't tell me the plan over the phone just in case anyone was listening.

"Trust us baby." He said finally.

I gulped but it wasn't enough to clear my throat. I tried again and still it wasn't enough to form words. I was afraid to speak again. I knew if I tried it would only make me cry. I would ruin the make up my mother had just paid for and she would be enraged.

"We will be there. Nothing bad is going to happen to you tonight. I promise." Aydan said after the silence stretched on.

"Ok." I managed to whisper.

"All we need you to do tonight is keep breathing ok?" Aydan said.

"Ok." I said again.

"I'll see you soon baby." Aydan said.

"Ok." I sighed shakily.

I lowered the phone and pressed the button to end the call. Aydan hadn't sounded worried in the slightest but I was still terrified. I forced myself to my feet and through the motions of getting dressed. I had to remind myself repeatedly that if the guys weren't worried then I shouldn't be either. All I had to do tonight was keep breathing and somehow I was going to see Aydan soon.


The party appeared to be the typical boring business party my parents put on for their usual clients. Everyone was dressed in suits or cocktail dresses, myself included. My dress as cut short and dark blue. The top was an intricate design of blue lace and the bottom was a slightly flared tool skirt. There was a sliver jeweled belt in between the two that matched the strappy heels on my feet as well as the tiny sparkles tucked in the lace off the top.

It was one my mothers better choices in dresses but I hated it all the same. It was impossible not to hate it knowing that it had been chosen for Stephan.

I didn't mingle the way my parents did but I stuck close to my mother as instructed. Several men asked if I wanted to dance. Each time my mother would give me a sideways glance indicating her disapproval and I would decline.

My parents were discussing the details of an account with one of their older clients when I found myself spacing out on the front door. Every time the door would open I would hold my breath. It was the exact opposite of what Aydan had asked me to do but I couldn't help it. The longer I waited here the less I could breath. The party was suffocating and it didn't help any that I was equally terrified and excited. I was excited for the prospect of seeing the guys again tonight but I was terrified that I would have to see Stephan first. Just thinking about Stephan made my head throb painfully. My shoulder was starting to ache as well and the constant buzz of chatter that surrounded me was getting to be too much.

I excused myself for some fresh air and walked away before my mother could voice her disapproval. I made my way through the crowd of people toward the back door. It was the same door I had run out of during our last gathering. I was tempted to run again but I didn't want to ruin the guys plans.

I was almost to the door when one of the servers stepped into my path and blocked it from me. I raised my eyes from the black slacks and white button down to meet a pair of golden-brown eyes. My lips parted and I took a step back in surprise.

"Not yet dulzura." Tao said and nodded for me to turn around.

"I just need some air." I said. My eyes flickered back over Tao's outfit. The shirt was snug on his arms and chest as were the pants on his thighs but not unpleasantly so.

"Not yet." He repeated shaking his head. "It's not secure outside. We need you in here."

"Do you want some water?" I glanced at the person next to Tao that spoke and had to do a double take. Cameron was in a matching outfit. Black slacks and a white button down. His didn't fit as tightly as Tao's but it was so different from his usual clothes that I couldn't look away.

"Tor?" Cam asked when I didn't answer.

"Sorry...No. Uhm..." I said shaking my head at myself.

"I'm just not used to seeing you guys dressed like this. It's weird." I admitted.

"Weird bad or weird hot?" Tao asked cocking an eyebrow at me.

"Weird hot." I said before I could filter the words.

They both chuckled.

"Wait no!" I gasped realizing what I had just admitted.

"Hey, no take backs!" Cam laughed. 

"No... I just...ugh..." I crossed my arms over my chest. "You guys are making it hard to talk right."

"Well then it's going to be impossible in about five seconds." Cam smirked.

"What why?" I asked.

They both laughed and turned to walk away at the same time.

"Cam! Tao!" I squeaked holding my hands out as if I could stop them from walking away. I still had questions for them. I wasn't ready to be alone again.

"They're working baby. They aren't supposed to be talking with anyone."

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