Part 36 Afraid

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Sab's new black truck reminded me a little of Theo's. They were about the same size and build but the darker color made it appear more menacing than Theo's. I managed to climb up into it without any problems. Sab wouldn't let me carry my book bag so there was no extra weight holding me back.

"Seat belt." Sab ordered.

He shut my door for me and went around to the driver's side. I clipped my seatbelt into place and turned my focus back to Sab. As far as I knew he hadn't said more than two sentences since the conversation about the Academy offer. All he had said when he woke me up was that it was time to go and then just now when he had told me to put on my seatbelt.

My nagging worry that something was wrong was only strengthened by the blank look on Sab's face. Aside from his hands clinching the steering wheel in a death grip there was almost no way for me to tell how he was feeling. I knew what I was supposed to do in this situation. Theo had already told me. If you have a question then ask.

"Sab..." I started carefully.

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes but didn't respond.

"Are you ..." I wasn't sure what I was asking. I was familiar with the silent treatment and that's exactly what this felt like but I wasn't sure if had done anything wrong. He had been annoyed with me earlier for apologizing for no reason so I didn't want to make that mistake again.

"Uhhm... Are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He said. His eyes focused back in the road and he didn't bother elaborating on his clipped response. If I wanted more information I would have to ask better questions.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked.

His eyes snapped to mine and his mask was instantly replaced by a harsh scowl as he shook his head.

"No. Why would you think that?" He asked.

"Because you're kind of... I feel like you're angry but I don't know why or what happened..." I said.

Sab sighed and turned his eyes back to the road. He pulled off of the main road and parked the truck before turning back to face me.

"I am angry." He said.

I nodded. I knew that. Now that he was facing me directly I could see the anger simmering in his dark gaze.

"They should not have approached you without our consent, Aydan should have known you would react like that, and someone should've told you what I was doing." Sab growled.

"ohh..." I said shaking my head. "You told me though."

Sab scoffed and shook his head. He sat back in his seat and looked up at the ceiling. It looked like he might be thinking about what to say, the same way that I did sometimes, so I waited. I turned my attention toward the window and looked out at the trees on either side of our little road. There were no other cars as far as I could see but to be honest that wasn't very far. The trees were thick and the main road was a little ways behind us around a tight curve and a lot more trees.

"I saw the texts." Sab said finally.

My mind immediately went to the messages from Todd and the random numbers. Cameron had deleted all of them so I wasn't sure what they said. I was surprised that Sab had somehow managed to see them. They must have been pretty bad if he was this upset by it.

"Princessa does not mean spoiled." Sab said.

My eyebrows pulled together as I tried to figure out Sab's train of thought. I wasn't sure how we had gone from talking about the creepy text messages to talking about this. Something in my brain clicked into place and I realized he wasn't talking about the creepy messages at all. He was talking about the messages I had sent him when I thought that he was upset with me.

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