Part 4 Fuentes

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Aydan actually let me go to class. I had to promise that if it got to be too much I would let them know but I knew I'd be fine. I'd dealt with worse and I'd taken the pill Theo gave me so my shoulder barely hurt now.

I missed my first class altogether and part of my second but I was careful to make sure I was early for my third. Health wasn't one of my preferred subjects. I'd had so many health classes over the years, all of them being mandatory, that it was getting to the point of being down right boring. Still it was better than being home.

The professor looked up as I entered the room. His eyes gave me a quick once over and he offered me a warm smile. He looked young for a professor. Late twenties at the most. He had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. There was just something slightly off in his gaze. Something dismissive and cruel. It reminded me of Stephan and made me nervous.

"Good Afternoon Ms..." He waited for me to fill in the blank.

"Sherwood." I said returning his smile. Just because I was uncomfortable there was no need to be rude.

"Ms. Sherwood..." He said glancing down at a sheet of paper. "Victoria Sherwood?" He asked looking back up.

I nodded.

"Well nice to meet you." He said.

"Like wise Professor Fuentes." I said. I assumed that was his name since my schedule read Health 101 with Professor Bill Fuentes.

"Oh no, call me Billy." He said with a wink.

"Oh-ok..." I said uncomfortably.

I hadn't been in college long enough to know if professors usually asked to be called by their first names but it sounded odd to me. A shadow crossed his face as he registered my discomfort and his smile flickered.

"Take a seat Ms. Sherwood." His voice lost the friendly undertone it had just a moment ago and I scuttled off to my seat before I could upset him any further.

It didn't take long for the other students to filter in to the classroom and then the professor stood up to lecture. He started with the syllabus but he didn't spend more than 15 minutes on it before switching to discussing class projects.

"Your groups have been chosen for you and there will be no switching around so don't waste my time. Listen up and pair off accordingly. You will be choosing a chapter from the book, create a presentation, and present to the class. All the details are in your syllabus and if you can't read you probably shouldn't be here." Professor Fuentes said.

My stomach knotted at the thought of doing a presentation but I prayed that I would at least have a decent partner.

"I suggest you raise your hands when called on so your partner can find you...Anderson and Green... Banks and Vega... Kim and Rich...Sherwood and Redford..."

I raised my hand and glanced around to see who my partner was.

"Yooo!" A burly bleach blond whooped as he pointed at me.

I pressed my lips together in a thin line to suppress my groan. This guy did not look the least bit academic. He was probably here just to earn his trust fund and I knew from experience that meant he wouldn't be helpful at all with our project. I mentally chastised myself for having such judgmental thoughts. It was cruel of me to judge him based solely on his ridiculously tight shirt and bubbly attitude.

Once the professor finished assigning everyone's partners he told us to break off and let him know what chapter we wanted to work on.

"Ay yo. Sherwood. Come over here." Mr. Redford called across the entire classroom.

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