Part 35 Family Day

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Theo and Tao had every burner on the stove cooking something along with several things in the oven. Aside from bacon and pancakes I was lost in the multitude of scents wafting out of the kitchen. Sab and I were seated on the couch, Aydan was making coffee, and Cameron was on the carpet searching for a movie. Despite all off the bustle it was surprisingly calm in Theo's little house.

I was doing my best to ignore the foodie scents. They were causing my stomach to knot up even more than before and I didn't want to puke. Theo would be upset with me for not telling him how sick I felt and I didn't want him to be upset. I wanted to enjoy our little family day. I'd never had one before and if this was what it entailed I was excited to give it a try.

"Is this what you usually do on family days?" I asked budging Cameron with my toes.

"Nah... well sometimes but usually we go up to the ranch and the lake." Cam said. He dropped the remote and caught my foot. I tensed hoping he wouldn't tickle me but he held it carefully between his hands, warming and unmoving. I relaxed again but kept a careful eye on him just in case he changed his mind.

"There's a ranch?" I asked surprised. I ignored the bit about the lake. I wasn't much of a swimmer so I tried to avoid all potential drowning scenarios aside form the obvious.

"Aydan's." Sab said.

"Ours." Aydan corrected returning to his seat on the couch with a cup of coffee. "Technically I own it but Theo owns the horses. Cam's mother is the one that takes care of it and Sab and Tao helped with most of the rebuild so without all of us it wouldn't be there.

"Oh..." I said surprised. "You guys build things other than cars?" I asked turning to Sab.

"Tao does." Sab shrugged. "I just got the permits."

"Permits?" I asked. I didn't know anything about building or remodeling. All I knew about permits was that you needed one to learn to drive. Yet another thing I couldn't do.

"There's a lot of legal mumbo jumbo that goes with remodeling. Lucky for us Sab has a knack for it." Cam said.

"Wait... You have a knack for legal mumbo jumbo?" I asked surprised.

"You thought I was a gear head?" Sab asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Well... you..." I was flailing for words again. Of course, I had thought he was a gear head. He drove a cool car and he understood mechanics. I didn't even understand mechanics but now that I thought about it I had never actually seen Sab working on cars.

"Sab can hold his own in a garage don't let him lie to you dulzura." Tao said from the kitchen.

The edge of Sab's mouth twitched as he fought off a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at him. He actually had me feeling like I had completely guessed wrong.

"But his degree is legal studies." Aydan said.

"That's so... random..." I said shaking my head.

Legal studies and mechanics. They were nowhere near the same. Maybe it was an Academy thing. Maybe they picked one for you and let you pick one as well. It sounded fair but in Sab's case the subjects were so different I wasn't even sure how he managed to understand both.

"Sweetheart, if you have questions ask..." Theo said pulling me back from my thoughts.

I glanced up to find all of the guys except for Theo looking at me. No else spoke. They were waiting for me to say something and judging by the looks on their faces they had been waiting for a while.

"Sorry..." I muttered. I rubbed at my forehead as I spoke to hide the blush creeping on to my cheeks. It made me nervous when they all looked at me like that and Theo was the only one that seemed to notice.

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