Part 14 Tao's Office

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"Hey!" Someone whisper yelled and there was a soft thump.

"What." Cameron grumbled but didn't move.

"I thought we were slowing things down?" Tao said quietly.

"We're sleeping..." Cam mumbled releasing me and rolling over to stuff his head in the blankets.

"...Cam..." Tao whispered.

"Hmm." Cam said.

"Did she... sleep ok?" Tao asked.

The bed shifted signaling that Cam had sat up.

"What do you mean?" Cam asked. He still spoke quietly but he sounded like he was fully awake now.

"I'm just asking..." Tao's voice sounded further away than it had before. The bed shifted a little more and I could feel Cam get up.

"Are you asking me if she had a nightmare...?" Cam asked. His voice moved away as he spoke.

"...maybe..." Tao said.

"...She didn't have any more after we went back to sleep..." Cam's voice faded out as he walked away. It wasn't a complete confirmation but it was enough.

I sighed and pulled the blanket over my head. I heard someone laugh softly from the kitchen.

"Coffee dulzura?" Tao asked.

"No." I pouted.

"Food?" Tao asked.

"No." I mumbled.

"Trick question, ma chérie. You have to eat something because you have to take your medication and you can't do that on an empty stomach." Tao said. The bed dipped and Tao peeked under the blanket at me.

"Are we ok?" He asked carefully.

"Of course?" I said.

"I just wanted to make sure after the other morning..." He said. "We haven't really talked since and then the hospital... so I thought you might be upset and that maybe we went a little fast..."

"No." I shook my head. "I just... I didn't really want to talk to anyone."

"Because of your mom?" Tao asked.

I nodded and pulled the blanket back out of Tao's hand to cover my face.

"Well you already know what I think of her." Tao sighed.

"She didn't know this would happen Tao." I said into my blanket.

"Then she's an idiot." Tao growled.

He tugged on the blanket but I didn't let go of it.

"I didn't know either. If I had I wouldn't have done it. I would've just accepted my punishment." I said.

"Dulzura..." Tao growled tugging on the blanket again. "Don't make me wrestle you for this. I'm at least twice your weight and I have both arms. I'll win."

I ignored him and held onto the blanket tightly. Tao shifted setting something down on the table. He caught my arm and tugged the blanket from me with his other. He pinned my arm above my head and held the blanket down away from my face.

"You shouldn't be punished period. You didn't do anything wrong." Tao said. 

He stared me down hard, daring me to argue with him on this. I didn't. Even though I felt like I had to of done something to deserve this I didn't want to get in an argument over it with Tao. He wouldn't understand and I didn't want to start off the morning with him being angry at me.

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