Part 17 Broken

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Tao, Theo, and Cameron were all standing a few feet back from us. They looked like they had come in and simply stopped when they realized we were having a private conversation. I wish they had made some noise or something though. I felt like I had just been spied on and all of my worry about telling Tao was pointless seeing as he'd just heard everything any way.

"He has?" I asked surprised.

"Since the hospital Thursday." Cam nodded. "I didn't know who he was until this." Cam made a circle gesture with his finger. He shifted his eyes from me to Aydan before speaking again.

"He's targeting her and there are two other numbers sending messages now." Cam said.

"What do the messages say?" I asked.

"You don't want to know, sweetheart." Theo said. But I did want to know. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know. Why did Cam have my phone anyway?

"Well what are they about?" I asked.

Cam looked from me to Aydan. Aydan looked at me as well before giving Cam a small nod.

"They're telling you what they want to do to you." Cam said.

My brow furrowed and I shook my head.

"Why do they want to do anything to me? I don't even know them." I said.

"He means sexually dulzura." Tao said. He was standing with his arms crossed and an angry scowl on his face.

"Did you block them?" Tao asked focusing on Cam.

"Uhh..." Cam ran his hand through his hair as he shook his head. "I was waiting to talk to her about it just in case."

"In case she likes being sexually harassed?" Tao asked.

"In case she liked this guy. I wasn't going to make her feel judged if sexting was something she was in to." Cam said defensively.

"I'm not!" I said quickly.

They all looked at me after my sudden outburst.

"I don't like Todd. He's a creep and I'm not into anything sexual with anyone." My voice came out a little squeaky at the end and I could feel my ears heating up with embarrassment.

Tao cleared his throat as he rubbed at the back of his neck. I glanced over at him and he raised an eyebrow at me. My face flamed as I realized what he was asking. I groaned and tucked my face into my arm on the back of the couch. I couldn't look at them anymore.

I heard someone snicker quietly but I didn't care. I couldn't be anymore embarrassed than I already was.

"Block the numbers and give Tori back her phone." Aydan directed. A hand rested on the top of my head and rubbed at my scalp. It was an odd gesture but it felt nice.

"Baby..." Aydan said after a minute. I peeked out at him without moving enough for the others to see how red my face was.

"You need to talk to your professors on Monday and change partners." Aydan said.

"I can't." I said. "The professor already said there is no switching around and he doesn't want us to waste his time asking."

"This isn't you requesting because you are picky. You are requesting because he is harassing you." Aydan said. His hand in my hair stilled but he didn't pull away.

"What if he still says no?" I asked.

"Then we will have to change your classes around." Aydan said.

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