Part 34 Ditching

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I had sent Aydan a quick text explaining that my mother was making me go to class again. It was kind of a last minute text since I wasn't able to do it until I was in the car and away from my mother.

After calling me downstairs this morning she gave me another smoothie and practically shoved me out of the house. I had barely managed to grab my book bag. I had none of my notebooks or binders. I wasn't even sure if Aydan had received my text.

"Thanks Sam." I said when the car pulled to a stop in the parking lot of the university.

As usual Sam didn't reply but he gave me a small nod. It was against my mothers rules for the 'help' to initiate conversations and Sam had been with us so long he didn't even bother speaking at all.

I walked and checked my phone. There was still nothing from any of the guys. It was starting to look like my phone might not even be working. My head hurt and my stomach was queasy as I continued to walk but I didn't allow myself to stop for a break. Being on campus again was only adding to the list of things I felt anxious about. I didn't just want to find Aydan and the guys, I needed to.

I went to the break room hoping at least one of them would be there but it was completely empty. My face heated and breathing faltered. I could feel the edges of panic bubbling up for no apparent reason. I kept my phone in my hand as I walked campus. My next best guess was to try first period and pray that Aydan would be there. The thought of having to go through today feeling sick and alone only made me want to cry. I ignored the prickling sensation in my eyes and walked faster toward my class.

I was walking to fast down the halls. People were starting to look at me. I felt like an idiot but the more people that turned to look the more I wanted to find the guys and the faster I went.

Before long I was running despite my throbbing headache and cramping stomach. I rounded the corner of the last hall before my class. It was full of people but I didn't really even see them. All I could see was the group of familiar faces turning toward me. Sab was closest when they all turned to face me. I didn't stop. I went strait for Sab. Sensing my intention he opened his arms and caught me when I crashed into him. His arms closed around me and I sagged against him. My face was buried in his warm jacket and each deep breath pulled in a fresh wave of sandalwood and wintergreen.

"chto sluchilos'?!" Sab demanded.

"What happened?" He repeated in English.

His hand rubbed up and down my arm soothingly and he didn't loosen his arms for me to pull away enough to answer. I didn't care because I didn't even want to try and explain what had happened. Nothing had happened. I had started freaking out for no reason and I felt like an idiot.

"Tori..." I heard Aydan call.

Sab shifted to put space between us so that I couldn't ignore Aydan but I clinched my fist in his jacket not letting him pull away.

"My zdes', printcessa." Sab said placing his hand over my fisted one. (We are right here.)

"She's shaking." Sab said to the others.

"She shouldn't be on campus this soon." I could picture Theo's shaking his head in disapproval.

"I'm sorry." I muttered into Sab's jacket.

"Tori." Aydan's tone was sharp and reprimanding.

I was apologizing for something I had no choice in. We had already discussed that they would not be upset with me over something I couldn't control. Aydan's reprimand seemed to help pull me from the haze of fear I had been trapped in. I took a deep breath enjoying a final whiff of Sab's earthy sweet scent before taking a step back. I made sure to meet Sab's chocolate brown eyes before speaking.

"I'm sorry." I said to him.

"...I panicked a little when I couldn't find anyone." I admitted looking over at Aydan next.

"You didn't text back." I said.

"I sent the text to your watch in case you weren't able to bring your cell phone." Aydan said nodding to the watch just behind my sling.

"O..oh" I said glancing down at the watch. "I'm sorry."

I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I was such an idiot. I hadn't even thought to check my watch. Actually... I wasn't even sure how to check the watch for messages.

"It's fine baby. Are you ok?" Aydan asked.

I nodded quickly. I was better than ok now that I had found them. I was better than I had been in days, aside from my stomach ache.

"Alright then let's get the hell out of here." Tao spoke up.

"W-what?" I stuttered out. "What about classes?"

"We're ditching class today." Cam shrugged.

"But..." I shook my head in confusion and turned my focus to Aydan. He would have answers. He always had answers.

"Since we could all really use a break and you're not ready to be here yet we are taking a family day." Aydan said.

"You look pale." Theo said.

"She's sick." Sab agreed.

Theo reached out to put the back of his fingers against my forehead with a frown.

"I'm not sick. I'm fine." I said.

I pulled away from Theo's prying fingers. I was afraid if he thought I was sick he would make me go to the hospital. I was so done with hospitals. I'd seen enough of them to last a life time already.

"...sweetheart..." Theo said.

He was warning me. If I was sick I needed to be honest with him so that he could help. But I wasn't sick. I couldn't be sick. I hadn't been around anyone that was sick.

"I'm fine." I said again. I knew it was probably just my mothers diet smoothie making me feel queasy. I'd had it before. It always made me feel gross in the beginning but it would fade soon enough.

"Well sick or not she's stuck with us for the day and we aren't staying here." Tao said

"Agreed!" Cam said linking his arm through mine and spinning us around to face the way I had come in. 

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