Part 32 Torrance Phelps.

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Cameron and I stood staring into the dingy cold room. The smaller wine cellar was completely devoid of the signature red and white bottles it was meant for.

Cameron scanned the small closet briefly before turning his focus to me. There weren't many details for him to take in regarding the cellar or my expression but still his eyes lingered on me.

"This is a wine cellar?" He asked.

I nodded.

"But there's no wine?" He acknowledged.

I nodded again.

"I used to be really afraid of confined spaces like this and sometimes if I couldn't control the panic I would get so worked up that I'd puke." I said quietly.

Cameron's eyes widened as he took in my words.

"You're claustrophobic?!" He asked horrified. "That's why our watches kept going off..."

"What do you mean? What about the watches?" I asked.

"Well, Theo was worried about you being taken from the hospital so soon after everything so he turned on a setting that keeps an eye on your heart rate. If there are any irregularities or spikes then it sends a signal to ours." Cam held up his wrist to show his matching watch.

"Oh..." I said staring at the watch. If it was monitoring my heart rate and alerting them when ever it went to high then it was probably going off nonstop. Being a nervous person meant that almost anything could make my heart rate spike.

"Maybe you should turn that off..." I tired. I knew even as I pushed for the idea that Cam wouldn't agree.

"No can do crazy girl. Not until we know you are in the clear." Cam said.

I sighed and focused back on the cellar. It was past time to go in. My parents could wake up any minute now and Cam needed time to leave. I was putting him in danger by prolonging this.

Cam's warm hand reached out taking mine and I pulled my attention away from the cellar again.

"You don't have to go in there, Tor. We can figure something else out." He said gently.

I shook my head.

I'd already made my decision.

I was going back in there before my mother came down. I wasn't going to risk getting the guys in trouble. They had done more than enough for me.

I squeezed Cam's hand and stepped into the closet without another word.

Cam's sad blue eyes met mine and he shook his head.

"Please Cam." I whispered. I was afraid to speak any louder because I didn't want him to hear the quiver in my voice.

Cam sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them his resolve was clear. He would do it but he hated that he had to.

Cam shifted to close the door. His arm froze and tensed as if he was fighting an internal battle and losing. Cam released the door, stepped into the closet, and pulled me into his arms.

"You are so crazy. I can't believe you are making me do this!" He whisper yelled into my hair.

"Cam, we don't have a lot of time. Please." I mumbled against his shirt.

Cam huffed and his arms loosened around me just enough so that I could pull back and look at him.

"I know we're not supposed to do this but..." Cam shook his head.

I tried to ask what he was talking about but before I could get a syllable out his lips were on mine.

Cam's citrus and lemon grass scent surrounded me along with his warmth and suddenly the cellar faded away. All that I could think of and feel was Cameron. The sweet patient kiss that being pressed against my lips, his thumb moving back and forth against my cheek, and his arm around my waist that I hoped would never leave were everything.

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