Part 27 Phone Call.

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"Clean yourself up and meet me in my office."

My fathers words rolled through my mind as I climbed the stairs to my room. Meeting my father in his office was the equivalent of having to go to the principles back in the 1950s. I was in trouble. I had done something bad and he was going to explain and make me pay. I tried to think of the last time my father had been angry with me. I couldn't recall many. In fact I wasn't completely sure my father had ever been angry with me. Disappointed, frustrated, annoyed, sure but actually angry? I wasn't even sure if he was angry now. It had seemed like he was more annoyed and disappointed than anything.

What scared me was that my mother was quiet. It meant that for the time being my father would be the one to handling the situation and that was almost always worse.

I went into the closet of my bedroom to find the phone. It was exactly where I had placed it last time. I turned the phone on and walked to the bathroom. I would call Aydan while I was getting in the shower so that my parents wouldn't hear or think that I was keeping them waiting.

Just as I turned the shower on the phone started to buzz in my hand. I didn't recognize the random number but only the guys knew I had this phone so I answered.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Don't hang up Sherwood. Adelyn needs your help." The man on the other end of the phone said. I recognized Diego's voice but only because of the way he said Adi's name.

"Diego?" I asked. "What's going on?"

"As usual my brothers abandoned me to the pigs." Diego said. "Now listen I don't have a whole lot of time."

"Ok." I said trying not to roll my eyes. I was annoyed that he was blaming his brothers for being in jail. If he hadn't committed the crimes he did he wouldn't be in jail. I had to remind myself that this conversation wasn't about him, it was about Adi and she needed help.

"Adelyn isn't safe with Adrian any more. Terica knows where she is and she's done something. Adrian is going to get rolled on by the cops and if Adi is there they'll take her back to her mother. You have to get her out of there." Diego said.

"But... Why me? Why doesn't Adrian just have her moved?" I asked.

"It's complicated. I can't have any contact with him or... look it doesn't matter. You have to get Adi out without Adrian finding out what's going on or we're both dead." He said.

"How am I supposed to do that? I don't even know Adrian." I said shocked. There was no way I could just walk in to a gang leaders house and demand he turn over his niece without any explanation.

"I don't know!" Diego growled. "Get Mateo to help you and those other guys. I don't care. I just don't want Adi caught up in all this when shit goes down. Please Sherwood. I don't have anyone else to ask. I'd do it myself but I can't even make bail."

"What if you could?" I asked. The wheels were turning in my head already. If Diego could make bail then he could do it himself. I wouldn't get in trouble for doing dangerous stuff and none of the guys would have to be in danger either.

"Unless you've got an extra 25k laying around that's not a real option. Just get my girl out please." Diego said. "My times up. I'll call you again tomorrow or something."

Diego hung up before I could even reply. Twenty-five thousand dollars was a lot of money but I was fairly certain that I was more than halfway there. All I had to do was figure out how to get the rest and how to do this bail thing and then Diego would be out to help his daughter. The question was how in the hell was I going to do all of this without my parents or the guys getting suspicious. There were still some very important details I was missing and if I went to the guys they would want all the information. Diego made it sound like there wasn't a lot of time. I didn't want to wait and risk Adi being sent back to her mother before we could do anything to help.

I focused back on the shower. I checked the temperature and shrugged out of the jacket Theo had pretended was mine. The earthy vanilla and cedar combo told me it was really Aydan's. It was nice of them to give me something to put over the hospital gown since I didn't have any other clothes to wear out of the hospital. Even the gown was flimsy and small.

Looking down I could see the edges of a dark purple bruise on my left thigh. I pulled in a shaky breath and inched up the material further to get a better look at it. It only went a few inches up past the gown.

I shook my head and focused on the chore at hand. I had to shower.

I made short work of the washing and rinsing process. I didn't have a lot of time and I wanted to move quickly in case my father was growing impatient.

I dried off even faster. As I began to pull on some of my clothes there was a quiet tapping sound. Before my mind could register where the nose had come from the bathroom door inched open. I gasped and stumbled back. I'd dropped the shirt I was about to pull on and simply stared at the door, terrified of who might be on the other side. 


Authors Note: Woah Shout out to Morgangregan thanks for going back and voting on literally every chapter in both books. That was awesome and froze my phone lol  Here's another update for all your trouble. 

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