Part 29 Boyfriend.

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My fathers office was one of those rooms I had only been in a handful of times. Despite my father not allowing any of the maids into the room everything with in was spotless. There were no book shelves or books visible in the room. Instead there were several dark steel shelves polished and in perfect condition. They hid their contents behind a top of the line security system. The system required both a retina scan and finger print authentication to access. I knew this because I had been foolish enough to try and investigate when I was a child. It was the closest I'd ever seen my father at being angry.

In the middle of the room sat a modern steel desk with a marbles top. On it sat an office style phone, a cup of pens, and my father's sleek white laptop that he took everywhere. Behind the desk was my father. He had his elbows poised on the desk, hands steepled, and blue eyes impatient as he waited for me to sit.

I sank into one of the simple chairs across from him. I kept my back straight and the palm of my good arm flat against my leg. Pressing my palm flat kept my hand from visibly shaking. I sat in silence. Waiting for my father to speak instead of daring to risk it myself.

"Who is he?" My father asked finally.

My breath caught and my hands went clammy. I had assumed this was about my disappearing for two days but instead he wanted to talk about Theo? Maybe I was in more trouble than I'd thought.

"h-Who?" I managed. Maybe I was better off laying innocent and pretending that there was no one in particular that came to mind.

"Victoria..." My father's voice was deadly as he demanded an answer.

The shaking of my hands progressed up to my arms and I tried to explain.

"He's just a nurse. He helped when I sprained my ankle and when I hurt my shoulder and when I woke up and couldn't remember anything he was there to help again but I don't know him not really. I don't know him." I blabbered.

"The nurse?" My father repeated.

"He's just a nurse." I repeated with a quick nod.

"I'm talking about your boyfriend." My father all but growled.

My trembling halted.

Fear was replaced by terror.

I didn't even have a boyfriend.

"I-I- don't..." I shook my head. Dread was flooding my senses making it impossible to speak properly. Maybe I had lied to Theo after all. Maybe my promise was going to be broken. I wasn't so sure that I would be leaving this office alive let alone uninjured.

"What have I told you about dating?" My father said.

"Th-that I only date men you've approved of." I said.

"And have I?" He asked.

"Wh-what?" I asked.

"Have I approved of any one for you to date?!" he yelled slamming his hand down on the top of his desk and standing up from his chair.

"N-no..." The tears started.

"So why is Mr. Langston under the impression that you are in a relationship other than the one I permitted?!" My father demanded.


Not only had my father spoken with Stephan but Stephan had told him about the incident with Sabbatian.

My tears were coming out harder and it was getting difficult to breath but I forced myself to do it. I couldn't pass out. Not now. It would only make my father even more angry. The watch on my wrist buzzed. It was silent but the feeling made me jump. It seemed to jolt my thoughts into forming. I had to explain or things were only going to get worse.

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