Part 24 Failed Arguments.

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Being grounded with the others hadn't been so bad. We spent our entire Sunday watching movies and taking naps. Tao had even suggested that we play sick today so that Aydan would make us stay home from school. 

Cameron and I had both disagreed. I was worried that if I kept skipping days I would get kicked out and Cameron didn't want to risk getting grounded even longer.

So far Monday was going smoothly. Todd wasn't even in health today which made the class go by quick and quiet. All I had to do now was talk to my professor about changing partners. Cameron had helped me go over my arguments. 

1.) Todd did not take this seriously and I needed someone who did. 

2.) Todd had not done any of the work on our project so far and was not at all pulling his weight. 

3.) Todd was a pushy jerk that couldn't keep his hands to himself. 

They sounded like solid reasons when we were going over them but now I wasn't so sure. This professor made a point of telling the entire class that he would not allow switching. I didn't see any reason I would be an exception even given my circumstances.

Still I forced myself to the front of the room before I could continue to talk myself out of it. Professor Fuentes was writing quickly on a stack of papers as I approached and he didn't look up. All of the other students filed out while I waited. 

I stood, hovering near the front desk, unsure how exactly to get his attention. When it felt like he was never going to look up from the papers I decided to quietly clear my throat.

Mr. Fuentes eyes snapped up to meet mine and I nearly took a step back from the level of contempt shinning in the bright blue pools.

"Can I help you Miss Sherwood?" He asked impatiently.

"I- I uhm..." I was losing my nerve so fast I could barely remember what I was doing here.

"I just w-wanted to talk to you about my partner." I managed after mentally scolding myself for tripping over my words like a clumsy fool.

He quirked an eye brow at me. He knew where I was going with this and he was already annoyed. None the less he was going to let me speak before shutting me down.

"It's just that- Mr. Redford has been- he uhm-" I tried.

I couldn't remember my arguments. I couldn't remember what I was supposed to tell him. I had to explain why Todd was a horrible partner or Aydan was going to make me drop the course. I couldn't drop this course. Taking it again sounded like a nightmare that would never end.

"Spit it out Miss Sherwood I don't have all day." Fuentes said frustrated.

"Todd has made unwanted physical advances and I can't work with him." I said quickly. That was certainly not argument number one or two but it was close to argument three. Kind of. Maybe.

"Excuse me?" Professor Fuentes set his pen down and turned his full attention to me.

I clinched my hands together and did my best not to shrink into myself. The weight of Professor Fuentes stare was enough to wither a plant but I wasn't a plant and I couldn't wither. I kept my eyes on his and my shoulders stiff. Cameron would have been proud that I wasn't backing down from my argument. Aydan said that I had to get a new partner so I was doing it.

"Miss Sherwood, if another student is harassing you then I have to report this to the dean." Fuentes said carefully. "Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No." I gulped. Talking to the dean sounded like something that would involve expulsions and police. I couldn't do that. My parents would kill me and there was no telling what else they might find out about. Like Stephan. I couldn't risk anyone else finding out about Stephan.

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