Part 3 School

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Despite the all over aches and pains I had from not taking my medication I was in a surprisingly great mood. School was one of the few things that I enjoyed doing. I was good at it and the guys would be there. As afraid as I was to admit it I liked being around them.

Aydan was standing outside, facing our classroom when I came around the corner. His black long sleeve shirt fit a little tighter than usual and I could see the muscle underneath. He was beyond toned. I wasn't surprised per say. I knew all the guys were fit. Even Cameron wasn't fooling me with his baggy nerd shirts and junk food habits. Aydan was a different level of fit. Not quite as large as Sab but notably more disciplined than Tao. It was king of scary. I would hate to make him angry. My steps faltered and I paused. Would Aydan be angry that I was here? I was supposed to be on bed-rest for a few days. Going to school had never even been a question. Suddenly I wasn't so sure I wanted to see the guys. I didn't want them to be angry with me. Staying in bed hadn't been an option but maybe coming here wasn't one either.

As if sensing my eyes on him Aydan turned. I gulped and braced for his piercing, angry, green eyes. Aydan's dark eye brows rose and he shifted walking toward me. He pulled his phone out as he walked and stopped just in front of me.

"Where are you?" He asked into the phone.

"Did you fall asleep?... Maybe because you are guarding an empty cage. No. We went out on limb accepting your help and we don't want or need it if you can't keep track of one injured bird. We'll handle it ourselves." Aydan said and hung up. The frustration was clear in his voice. I had to grit my teeth to keep myself from taking a step back as I peered up at his simmering eyes.

"You're supposed to be in bed." He said. His tone wasn't as harsh when directed at me but it wasn't gentle either. I'd disobeyed my orders. Aydan finished typing something into his phone before dropping it back into his pocket and focusing on me.

"I'm sorry." I said before he could lay into me too. I didn't want to be told I wasn't needed the way he had just done to the person on the phone. I focused on his chest hoping that he couldn't see my panic if I didn't look him in the eyes.

"Baby..." He lifted my chin so that I was looking back up into the dark forest green eyes any way.

"I- I didn't mean to. M-My mother said that I had to go to school and I didn't think it was a big deal. I didn't think about- I just- please don't be angry with me." I stammered out like a bumbling idiot.

"Why would I be angry with you?" He asked raising one eyebrow.

"Because I didn't stay in bed." My voice came out barely above a whisper.

"Did you have a choice?" Aydan asked.

I gulped and shook my head.

"Exactly. I will never be angry with you for things beyond your control." Aydan said, "And even if you manage to make me angry I would never hurt you."

Aydan glanced down at his watch.

"Are you feeling well enough for classes?" He asked. His all-seeing eyes pinned me once again.

I nodded and Aydan raised an eye brow. I was supposed to give a real answer. A verbal answer.

"I am..." I corrected myself.

"But?" Aydan pressed. He could hear the tremor in my voice. The words I didn't really want to say were just beneath the surface and he knew it.

"Just sore." I shook my head.

"Did you take your medication?" He asked. His guess was spot on.

I started to shake my head but caught my self and answered out loud "I couldn't..."

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