Part 18 Communicating

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Cameron had fallen asleep next to me on the couch. I had my feet in his lap but I was focused on the ending of what Cam had claimed to be his favorite movie: Lord of the Rings. I'd read the books and as usual the movie didn't quite do it just. Over all it had been pretty good just not good enough to keep Cam awake apparently. 

My phone vibrated against my chest and I opened the message assuming it was one of the guys.

*Party tonight Story. Everyone's going.*

I glanced at the number the message had come from. It was a different number than the ones Cameron had blocked earlier. I glanced over at him. He was still sleeping soundly. Maybe I could try to get some information over the phone that could help the guys.

*Who's everyone? * I asked to see if Todd would be willing to share anything with me.

*A couple frats and a lot of chicks. * He replied. *You interested? *

* Maybe. * I replied. I was trying to decide what to ask next when another text came through.

*It's at Alpha Phi. 8pm. BYOB unless you like beer. *

I scanned the text several times. He had just answered a chunk of my questions.

*I'll run it by Cam.* I said. 

Telling him I had to check with my 'boyfriend' was an easy way to keep the lines of communication open without implying that I was interested in him at all. It was also a good way to determine if he was asking as a creepy dude or as a classmate. If he was being a creep he would be annoyed by my reminder that I had a boyfriend.

*Shit keep it interesting. Invite them both.* Todd said.

I rolled my eyes and dropped the phone onto my chest. There was no way I would actually be going to this party. Aydan wouldn't allow it. I was 'grounded' whatever that meant. I'd only intended to get as much info as I could via text. Hopefully Aydan wouldn't be upset about it since I wasn't in any danger this way.

"What's up?" Cam asked. He shifted and squeezed my feet. He let out a long yawn but looked more alert than he had when the movie had started.

I held my phone out to him. The messages were still open so he would be able to see what I wanted him to look at. Cam's eye brows rose as he read the messages.

"He knows who I am?" Cam asked.

"I kind of told him I had a boyfriend named... Cameron. I thought it would help make him not so pushy." I admitted sheepishly.

"Ok." Cam shrugged. "Who else does he want you to invite?"

"Maybe Tao?" I said nervously.

"Hmmm." Cam nodded. "I'll run it by Aydan and see what he says but next time let me know before you do something like this so that I can make sure you're on a secure network. We don't want these guys tracking you down while we're napping."

My eyes widened and I nodded. I definitely did not want that.


Aydan was letting us go... Some how Cameron managed to convince him that I wasn't putting myself in danger because I would be surrounded by the guys the entire time. He even went so far as to say I was safer at the party, with them, then I would be alone and since they all needed to be there in case another girl disappeared I basically had to go too. I'd eagerly agreed. I wanted to help in anyway that I could. Aydan caved when Tao pulled the 'she's never even been to a real party'.

I'd switched to a simple flowy dress instead of fighting with trying to find an outfit. I threw on my jean jacket and slipped into an old pair of converse. I left my hair down. It still had some body to it despite not having washed it since Thursday which was impressive. Also I couldn't really do anything with it because I wasn't supposed to move my shoulder around.

I bounced back to Cameron's living room, dressed and ready to go. The light conversation that had been going on immediately ceased and the guys all looked at me.

"Dulzura..." Tao groaned shaking his head.

"What?" I asked self-consciously checking my dress.

"You look like fucking bait." He said.

"What?" I asked shaking my head in confusion.

"You look beautiful and Tao is concerned that it will make you more of a target tonight." Theo translated for me.

I gave him a small appreciative smile for his help and the compliment before turning my focus to Aydan.

"Should I change?" I asked. I didn't want to do anything to screw this up.

Aydan shook his head.

"You look fine." Aydan said.

"It's not half as revealing as what some of these other girls will be wearing." Cam laughed. "And it's like the first time we've seen you willingly not in leggings."

"Alright ground rules for tonight." Aydan said.

"I want constant eyes on your partner. Tao you're with me. Cam you're with Theo." Aydan said.

"What about me?" I asked.

"I want you with Cam as much as possible since that's who Todd thinks you are dating but if necessary you may have to switch off with one of the others. Either way I want you in constant physical contact. If you're not touching one of us then you are not secure and we leave." Aydan explained. 

"Hold hands. Got it." I said.

"Coms in at all times. We're going to keep the line open so we will need to use the touch to talk setting this way we won't be over loaded by conversations going on around and in between us. It also means minimal contact. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves." Aydan said.

We all nodded. 

I was grateful for Aydan's explanations about why we were doing things a certain way. The guys all looked like they had done this before so I was certain the explanations were for me.

"This is observation only." Aydan said. "Take some selfies and listen in but that's it. If there's any sign of trouble, leave and radio the others."

Aydan made eye contact with everyone and received a nod each time. He looked at me last and I nodded as well.

"Alright. Let's go." He sighed.  

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