Part 33 Drink

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"Victoria!" My mother called.

I'd been expecting her call this time. Tao had texted Cameron thirty minutes ago that my parents were on their way home. We'd rushed back from the bank and Cameron had helped me get back into my room. He slipped out the same window that Tao had the night he stayed over.

I went down stairs to where my mother was waiting. She looked the same as she had this morning. She was ready to leave. I stopped in front of her and tucked my good arm behind me. Her scanned glanced over my simple outfit with disapproval. I'd changed into a modest dress with flats and a cardigan. It was an exact replica of the last 'casual' outfit she had chosen for me. Cameron had even helped me twist my hair into a high and tight bun and it only took us four tries.

She turned and gestured for me to follow her.

"Where are we going?" I asked but carefully kept up as we walked toward the car.

"You have appointments." She dismissed.

Appointments? I gulped but made sure she couldn't see my concern.





Every part of me had been poked, adjusted, and assessed. I stared down at the delicate French tipped nails. My nails hadn't been done up like this since my parents vow renewal. Having actual nails made it hard to sew and sewing was something I'd done almost daily in ballet. It was weird to think I wouldn't be doing it for weeks.

My mother had been surprisingly calm when the doctor said I wouldn't be able to practice for at least two more weeks. I was confused and nauseous. The last time she had put me through this many appointments was the night I was told I was engaged to Stephan. It was the party I had run out on. The same night I met Tao and the others.

"Drink." My mother said setting a glass of green juice in front of me.

I picked up the cup and took a small sip. My stomach rolled immediately. It tasted like a mixture of kale and something awful that I couldn't quite place. It coated my tongue and stuck in my throat.

"All of it Victoria." My mother ordered.

I took a deep breath, plugged my nose, and finished the glass as quickly as I could. I set the glass on the counter and focused on keeping the awful tasting liquid down.

My mother checked the glass and gave a small nod.

"Now go to your room and if I hear any noise from you you'll go back in the cellar." She said.

"Ok." I said and rushed up stairs before she could change her mind.

Once I was safely in my room a grabbed the cell phone from the closet and went into the bathroom. I turned the water and the fan on so that it sounded like I was taking a shower. I sank down and turned the phone. I had several messages.

The first one was from a random number and all it said was "Thank you". I was surprised that Diego had been released already but it was one less thing to worry about.

*How are you feeling sweetheart?* Theo had asked. I typed out a quick reply to let him know I was feeling alright.

*I hope everything goes ok with your mom.* Cameron had texted. I sent him a similar text that everything seemed ok.

*If you don't want to sleep alone just let me know.* Tao's said. I told him that since I had been ok last night that I should be alright tonight as well and that I didn't want to take an unnecessary risk with how tense things are here.

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