Part 38 Introductions

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I spun around relieved and ready to direct all of my questions to Aydan. The second my eyes landed on him all of my questions came to a screeching halt. I was used to Aydan's all black cargo pants and long sleeves, I had even seen him shirtless and in pajamas, but this was none of the above.

Aydan was dressed in a charcoal grey suit. The suit jacket was unbuttoned to show the light blue shirt underneath. The blue shirt was unbuttoned at the collar only emphasizing his choice to not wear a tie. It was dressy with a flare of arrogance that said he was bored and only here out of business obligation. It was perfect for the type of party we were at.  

            Aydan held his hand out for mine. I was to struck to question him. I simply gave him my hand. He raised it to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of my fingers. The pleasant warmth of his lips only made the confusing brain fog thicken.

"Let's dance." He said. It wasn't really a question but I gave a numb nod just in case.

            Aydan guided me out to the dance floor. He tucked my right arm over his. It relieved the pressure on my shoulder and the dull pain vanished almost immediately. He took my left hand placing it on his shoulder and lowered his hand back to my waist. We swayed for what felt like an eternity before my mouth finally started to work again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

Clearly my mind hadn't caught up with my mouth. I knew why Aydan was there. He was there because I had called him, to protect me, and to make sure Stephan got caught. What I had meant to ask was why he was in here with me instead of outside where they usually were.

The corners of Aydan's mouth tilted up as he waited for me to ask a different question.

"I mean why... what..." Nope brain and mouth still refused to cooperate.

I huffed and dropped my head against his chest. Aydan chuckled quietly and kept us moving along with rhythm of the song as I tried again to find my composure. I wanted so badly to know what was going on but no matter how I thought to phrase the question I couldn't pin point just one. I gave up on trying to ask questions. I was supposed to trust them. I sighed and decided on a different discussion entirely.

"You look amazing." I muttered. I didn't lift my head so that he couldn't see how red my face was and part of me hoped that he might not even hear me.

Aydan chuckled again.

"So do you baby." He said. "This dress makes your eyes sparkle. It's stunning."

"The dress?" I asked peeking up at him. I supposed if Aydan liked the dress that much maybe I didn't have to hate it.

Aydan shook his head and leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"Your eyes." He corrected.

My lips parted and I took a half step back so that I could look at his eyes. Behind the amusement was a level of sincerity that took my breath away. My eyes flickered over his face and settled on his lips. I wondered what it would be like to have Aydan kiss me. There wouldn't be any hesitation or teasing like there had been with the others but I didn't think it would be as harsh as Sab's. The more I thought about the more I wanted it.

"Tori..." Aydan breathed.

My eyes snapped back up to his. The emerald green had darkened. It reminded me of the shade of trees just before a storm. Dark and alluring but still calm.

"Your parents are watching." He whispered carefully.

I gasped and took another step back to look around. Sure enough both of my parents were watching the interaction between Aydan and I. My father looked curious and a little perturbed but it was nothing compared to the astounded rage on my mothers face.

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