Part 13 Freezing.

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It was freezing and everything was dark. I couldn't see. My fingers ached from the cold and my whole body trembled in its attempt to warm up. I lost track of my numbers and had to start over. I couldn't cry. The tears would probably freeze on my face if I did.





I said the numbers out loud this time so that I wouldn't lose track. Hopefully she would let me out before I reached one hundred since I couldn't remember what came after that.






I paused my counting and listened. My eyes searched the darkness but I couldn't see anyone. Did monsters live in freezers? Did my mother lock someone else in here?


I gasped and held my breath clasping both hands over my mouth. If it was a monster I didn't want to meet it. I didn't want to talk to it. I didn't want to be in here!


My eyes snapped open and I inhaled sharply. The room wasn't nearly as dark as my dream had been and there was no monster. Only Cameron leaning over me. His face was etched with concern and even as I sat up he didn't look any less worried.

"Are you ok? Do you need some water?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"I'm fine." I said.

"You didn't sound fine. You sounded terrified." Cam said sinking down on the edge of the bed.

I sat up and pulled my knees up to my chest to give him some room.

"It was just a dream." I shrugged.

Cam tilted his head as he looked down at me. He wasn't convinced. I gulped and adjusted the sling on my arm as I debated if I should tell him or not. I considered everything they had discussed in the hospital and how Cam had stood up for me about being able to make my own decisions and letting me learn to trust them instead of forcing me. Cam was doing that even now. I could see how badly he wanted me to tell him the truth but he wasn't going to force me to do it. He wasn't going to force me to trust him and he didn't need to. I already trusted him.

"I... I was locked in the freezer and I was afraid that a monster was going to get me or that my mother would forget about me." I said picking at a tiny string on my sling.

"Was it a dream or..." Cam asked.

"Maybe a little of both..." I admitted quietly.

"Your mother locks you in the freezer?" Cam asked placing his hand over mine to get my full attention.

"Not anymore." I said meeting his eyes. "Not since my father made her quit drinking."

"How old were you?" He asked

"In the dream?" I asked.

"In the dream, when she started doing this, and when she finally stopped..." Cam said.

"Four and she stopped when I was about seven." I said.

Cam swallowed hard and took a deep breath. 

"Three years and then she just stopped?" He asked.

"...she stopped drinking." I said dropping my eyes to the fancy Z lettering on his shirt. It looked like a video game logo that I'd seen before but I couldn't quite place it.

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