Part 9 Mistakes.

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I had to stay after in health class because my partner was late. I sent Cameron a quick text explaining my situation. His reply was almost instant as if he had been waiting for me.

*Let me know when you're done and I'll walk you. I'm only a few classes down.* He said.

"Texting the boyfriend?" Todd cooed at me.

I rolled my eyes. It was on the tip of my tongue to clarify that I didn't have or need a boyfriend. Before the words could come out I caught myself. Maybe if Todd thought I had a boyfriend he would back off with the flirting and focus on work.

"Yup." I said.

Todd grimaced but tried to make it look like another smirk. Score. One safety point for me.

"What's his name?" He asked.

"Cameron." I said easily. I had been texting Cameron so at least part of this wasn't a lie.

"Let me guess another nerd?" He said.

I shrugged my good shoulder and focused on finishing the notes for our chapter. I'd given up on writing things with my left hand. Now I just focused on highlighting the important parts. At least this way I could get some studying done without my writing hand.

"You missed a part." Todd said.

"What?" I asked looking up at him.

"The part about multiple orgasms." He said nodding toward my book.

"There's nothing about multiple orgasms." I said frustrated. "Did you even read the chapter before you chose it? It's basic penis in vagina makes a baby sex not some weird karma sutra guide."

He was grating on my last nerve.

"Let me see." He stood up and leaned over me to peer down at my book.

"Huh..." He said.

"What?" I grumbled.

"Look at this..." He said moving closer. 

I shifted allowing him to reach his arm around me. I'd assumed that he was reaching to point at something in the book. Instead his arm snaked around my shoulders and grabbed my good arm by the wrist.

"What are you doing?" I gasped surprised. 

The edges of panic were immediately flooding in. My mind rushed through all of the mistakes I had just made. He was too close. I'd let him get this close. I hadn't been paying attention at all. We were alone in the classroom. Even our professor was gone. I was such an idiot.

"Chill out girly. I'm just trying to help you out." He said .

"Todd, let go of me!" I tried to sound firm but my voice quivered with fear.

"I will..." He laughed, "When I'm done." 

His free hand slid across my stomach and then down between my legs. My panic boiled over. I shot to my feet, forcing all of my weight into him. I saw his eyes widen as he lost his balance. His hand released me in an attempt to catch himself but it was too late. He tipped over backwards. I grabbed my bag and made a break for the door. I didn't bother trying to grab my notebook or my books. I just rushed out of there as fast as I could and I didn't look back. 

I went all the way to my computer class before realizing that I had forgotten to text Cameron.

*Forgot to text. Already at class. See you later. * I shot him another quick message. 

I went into the classroom even though it was still too early for it to actually start. Fortunately this class already had a few other people that had arrived early. 

I made my way to my usual seat. I sat down and tucked my legs up so that I could wrap my good arm around them. Now that my adrenaline was fading I could process my other emotions. Disgust, fear, anger. Why did I attract people like Todd and Stephan? What was wrong with me? What did I do to deserve this? 

I tucked my head down into my arm and did my best to pull myself back together. I only had one more class to get through and then I would be going home. Alone. I held my breath and reminded myself that my mother was nothing compared to people like Stephan and Todd.

"Hey." The rough growl made me jump.

My head shot up to look at the figure towering over me. My eyes widened. Sab was glaring down at me. He had his arms crossed and his scowl was harsh enough that if we weren't in a room full of people I probably would have run for cover.

"What happened?" He demanded.

"Nothing." I sniffed but glared back. I was fairly certain that Sab wouldn't hurt me even if he didn't want me around anymore.

His scowl deepened and he glanced over his shoulder at the door of the classroom.

"Tell me." He demanded looking back at me.

"Just go away." I said and tucked my head back into my arm.

"Princessa..." Sab's tone softened. "I don't have a lot of time. Just tell me."

"Nothing happened Sab. Just leave me alone." I said into my arm.

Sab growled in frustration but I felt him move away from me. I don't know why he was pretending to care now after ignoring me for over a week. My eyes burned but I wasn't going to cry. I'd made it through Monday and Tuesday. I was going to make it through today too. 

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