Chapter 44

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"I'm okay Eomma." Taehyung responds in a low tone of voice.Her mother Tae-hee gave him a tiny kiss on the cheek and says

"You look off sweetie?What's wrong?Are you okay my Taetae?"
Tae-hee asks his youngest worriedly.

"I'm okay Eomma,I'm just tired and hungry." Taehyung adds.

"I see.Let's go home to eat and rest okay?I miss you and your brother Namjoon."

"We miss you too Eomma and Appa." Taehyung tries to smile back so that her Eomma will not suspect anything.

Meanwhile at the Kim's Mansion,their trusted maid prepared a sumptuous lunch for them.They arrived safely from the Airport after a few hours.

Their maid opens the door and welcomed them with a very wide smile

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Their maid opens the door and welcomed them with a very wide smile.
They all gathered in the dinning room and sat comfortably and everyone enjoyed their lunch together.

It's been awhile...

Their Appa,Rain was the first one who initiated the conversation.

"Namjoon and Taehyung,how are you both?Is everything fine here in Seoul?"

Namjoon was the first one to answer,
"Yes Appa,our careers are doing well."
Namjoon's smile was so wide and proud while looking at his Appa.

"Great!I saw tons of Gucci billboards of my Taetae too,I am so proud of you my sons!"
Rain responds as he looks to his wife Tae-hee who smiles back at him as a sign of agreeing to what he just said.

The Kim brothers smiled back at their proud parents.

It was Tae-hee's turn to ask,

"Taehyung sweetheart,HOWS YOU AND YOONGI?"

As soon as he heard his Eomma's question, he almost choked & stopped eating his food on his mouth.

He tries to pause,thinking for an excuse to get away with it,then tries again to swallow his food slowly.

Namjoon saves Taehyung by calling their maid in a very loud voice to distract their parents to serve their favorite dessert, Crème Brûlée

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Namjoon saves Taehyung by calling their maid in a very loud voice to distract their parents to serve their favorite dessert, Crème Brûlée.

Her Eomma smiles in delight as she looks at their favorite dessert

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Her Eomma smiles in delight as she looks at their favorite dessert.

"Oh!I miss this!This is my all time favorite!I tasted a lot of it in Switzerland, but Martha's(Maid) Crème Brûlée is the best!"
Martha smiles shyly due to the complement of Tae-hee.

Just when they thought their Eomma won't be asking questions again,

All of them were enjoying their dessert and suddenly Tae-hee requests something...

"Taehyung,It's been a long time since I saw that nice guy Yoongi of yours.Please text him and tell him to come because I have also something for him."


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