Chapter one

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Anthony's Pov: Me and the boys just got checked in to the hotel for the start of the lights out tour. We decided amongst ourselves who we wanted to room with Jaden, Griffin and me decided to room together.

Those two are my best friends, they're like older brothers to me I really look up to them. They are like the epitome of cool they get girls left and right not to mention they are both so smart and talented. Jaden has the voice of an angel and griffin is so smart and caring he's studying to be a nurse.

"Hey bud" Jaden said waving his hand in front of my face
"Anthony" Griffin sing songed placing his hand on my shoulder
I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to them "huh" I asked
"Come on we are going up to the room" Griffin instructed
"Oh word" I replied gathering my luggage and my thoughts

We walked towards the elevators with the rest of the group I see Noen and Chase giggling over something on Chase's phone. Payton was talking animatedly with the others all laughing along with something he said.

Griffin speaks up then "all our rooms are on the 7th floor" as the elevators open.

On the 7th floor Trent meets us to pass out room keys Jaden grabs the three for us and leads us to room 707. I see Payton dragging a half asleep Chase Keith into the room across the hall and Noen and Chase Hudson bounce happily into the room next to ours.

Jaden opens the door into our room and Griffin ushers us in. I immediately drag my suitcase to the far corner then throw myself on the bed by the window.

Griffin laughs "tired huh bud" as he sits on the other bed pulling of his shoes
"Word" I reply with my face in the pillow I had a long flight and was exhausted. Jaden hummed and looked at us and asked "so who's sharing a bed?"

"You and Anthony should you're both skinny and will take up less room" Griffin replies
"Hey I'm buff as shit" Jaden whines
"Fine then Anthony is skinny af and I don't want to share" Griffin laughs out laying back on what is now his bed

I just hum and bury my head further into the pillow as Jaden walks towards me on the bed. He laughs and lightly shakes my shoulder "at least take your shoes off before you fall asleep" he jokes

I whined to tired to move as Griffin states he's going to shower. Jaden huffs and moves to change into something more comfortable for bed. I know it's not super late but it's pushing on 10:30 and we had all spent the day traveling to get here and are tired. He comes back over to the bed and I feel him gently start to untie my shoes and pull them off.

"Come on bro at least get ready for bed before you pass out on us" he says as he tries to roll me over. I groan but roll out of bed and stumble to my suitcase finding a large black hoodie I start to change and decided to forgo sleeping in pants and just sleep in my boxers and hoodie.

Jaden is sitting with his back against the headboard in basketball shorts and a red T-shirt playing on his phone while it charges. He's probably talking to some girl I think as I walk back to the bed, Jaden has is really good looking a total ladies man in fact so is Griffin they both got game.

I go to plug my phone in crouching down to get the charger plug into the outlet as I come back up I'm greeted to Griffin coming out of the bathroom in just a towel.

"You're welcome to watch" he jokes as he turns to change

I quickly get into bed under the covers as Jaden giggles at me and winks while laying down too. Griffin turns out the lights and climbs into his bed I can hear him shuffling around to get comfortable.

"We don't have anything going tomorrow so we can sleep in thank god but I'll set and alarm for 10 just so we don't sleep the day away" Griffin says all the responsible

We all mumble our goodnights and I eventually hear they're breathing even out but I can't seem to sleep.

I keep thinking about how cool my best friends are about all the girls they've probably had and I feel sad and well jealous. Everyone seems to think I'm a ladies man or a player that I get the girls all hot and bothered with my tongue thing but in reality I'm super shy. I've never had a girlfriend once I pecked a girl on the cheek in sixth grade but other than that I have zero experience with girls or anyone for that matter.

I've never told anyone that not even Griffin and Jaden I just think it's soo embarrassing I can play it up act like I know what I'm talking about but all I know about sex is from porn. I'm just a blushing virgin it makes me feel like such a kid with them I'd hate for them to find out I don't want them to see me differently.

Hell I think even Payton has had his first kiss but I don't know I just want it to be special as cheesy as it sounds.

Finally I feel exhaustion start to take over and I dift to sleep.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now