Chapter twentyfour

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Third person: The next morning the boys are piled on to the bus mostly asleep.

The bus ride will be long and boring. This is the farthest they've had to drive so far on tour.

Anthony, Griffin, and Jaden are quietly discussing their plans for after tour.

"My mom said you can come stay with us for as long as you need too" Griffin says
"Yeah but I don't want to distract you from school" Anthony told him he feels so guilty for being so dependent on the boys right now.
"Baby I'm a big boy I can handle school and a boyfriend" Griffin says with a smile
"And this is Griffins last school year so we can work on getting you both out to LA" Jaden says happily
"Plus it'll be easier to see eachother if two of us are in the same place" Jaden adds

Anthony nods but the boy felt like a burden to the boys.
"Baby you know we love you right" Griffin asks softly seeing how upset the boy is
"This doesn't change a thing we love you" Jaden adds
"I love you both so much" Anthony says eyes shining

They talk logistics a bit more later on in the trip

"After tour well fly back together pack you up in a u-haul and drive the five or so hours back to mine" Griffin tells Anthony

"Is your mom gonna let us be in the same room wit the door shut" Anthony jokes

"You do realize I am a legal adult right?" Griffin says

Soon after they boys arrive at the hotel.

Anthony's Pov: Me and the boys went to Kevin and Harrison's room most of the boys were in here actually to hangout.

"Soo are y'all going to address the situation to the fans or are y'all ignoring it" Chase says Noen elbows him causing Chase to groan.

"I guess I haven't really thought about it" I tell him

"I mean there's no point in denying it" Jaden shrugs

"I don't have a problem with telling them" Griffin says

"Time to make a video?" I ask and they nod

We huddled together in the bathroom we make a "hot boyfriend check" video for each of out accounts with cute pictures ending with us kissing eachother.

We are about to break the internet.

We post at the same time and put our phones away.

"Y'all just want to watch the world burn" Payton says causing everyone to laugh

I can't bring myself to check my phone the rest of the night. Jaden and Griffin say they are getting positive comments on their videos but after the way my own mother reacted I just can't see how the comments aren't going to be full of hate.

"I think I'm ready to head to bed" I tell everyone after awhile

The boys come back with me and we may or may not have a little makeout session before bed.

The next morning we got ready for the meet and greet I wonder how the fans will act to us. I finally give in and check my phone and while yes there is hate it's so few and far between there is so much love and acceptance from the fans and it leaves me beeming.

The meet and great was interesting people mostly just wanted to see us kiss eachother and sadly Griffin and Jaden really enjoy embarrassing me.

They'd pick me up bridle style unexpectedly plant fat kisses on my cheek or sneakily pull on my hoodie during pictures to expose the hickeys they left last nights.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now