Chapter twentytwo

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Anthony's Pov: Today's meet and greet was amazing I got the coolest gifts and these girls were just so happy to see us it melted my heart.

It made my boys soo happy too and that made me even happier. I've been crazy happy not having secrets anymore it has lifted this weight off my shoulders and it's a blessing.

After the meet and greet me and Payton and josh are running around being silly when I notice Griffin looking a bit frantic so I make my way to him quickly.

"Hey what's wrong?" I ask him
"I can't find my phone anywhere" he tells me
"Just chill We'll use find my iPhone make sure it's still here and go from there" I say

With the find my phone we see his phone is in fact still in the venue

"Did anyone think to check with the from desk?" I ask
"Nooo" Griffin Groans running off to the front desk

A few minutes later he comes back in holding his phone obviously relieved. He comes over and gives me a short kiss in thanks before moving over to Jaden. I go back to goofing around with the guys till Trent tells us it's time to go.

On the bus I sit in Griffin's lap next to Jaden and to say we are a cringy couple that does to much pda is an understatement.

We are at the back of the bus and we are sharing soft kisses back and forth between eachother. A loving little makeout session if you will.

I watch Jaden and Griffin kiss slowly Griff threads his fingers into Jaden's hair tugging softly I'm cuddled against Griffs chest and I whine
"My turn" I tell them causing them to pull away.

Jaden leans down to me slowly but I surge up quickly meeting his lips I can feel him smile as he cups my cheek and slows our kiss.

I'm lost in my own little world with him till he pulls away and Griffin replaces him he holds me close hand on my lower back and the base of my neck.

It's a slow but firm kiss he guides me through exactly what he wants slowly nipping at my bottom lip before licking into my mouth and Asserting his dominance causing a little whimper fall from my lips.

"Can y'all not be so gross" Payton says from across the aisle where he sits next to Bryce

I pull away from Griff to look over at Payton
"Don't be mad just because you don't have this" I tell him before turning back to my boys licking up Jaden's neck as him and Griffin kiss.

I sneak a peek back over to Payton as he pouts Bryce try's to cheer him up

"It's not fair I want to be kissed too" he mumbles looking up shyly at the older boy

I miss what happens next as Griffin moves to suck on my sweet spot my eyes close for a moment but when I do look back over Payton is blushing and hiding in Bryces side who looks all to proud at the situation.

Back at the hotel all of us boys were hanging around the pool it had been a long day even if it was a good one and we were ready to relax Jaden was rubbing my shoulders from were he sat on the edge of the pool and my night was just going perfect.

Till shit it the fan.

He had all left our phones in a pile on one chair under a towel by the pool. Chaser got out to go check his and saw that all our phones were being spammed like crazy we were all being tagged in this one post over and over again.

Said post was about Jaden Griffin and Me.

I guess whoever had taken or found Griffin's phone before turning it in the the front desk had been able to unlock it.

Screenshots of our texts and dms were leaked not even just conversations between us three our whole tour group chat back to when we first came out as a couple was leaked confirming our relationship.

But that wasn't the worst part.

Our nudes were leaked pictures of each of us that we had sent to eachother were now out there for the world.

Still not the worst part

The video Griffin took of my First blow job was leaked and added to pornhub.

Still not the worst part though

They released texts were Jaden had told me my virginity wasn't gonna last much longer if I kept teasing them.

They released to the whole world my entire fan base that pretty much sees me like some kinda sex magnetic that I was a virgin and "gay"

I have no idea what to do my family is definitely going to see this I have no idea how they would react or if the video of me and Griffin is even legal I'm only  17 I'm at the age of consent but I'm not old enough to be on pornhub

I'm freaking out only I didn't realize I was hyperventilating having a full fledged panic attack till I was on the ground Jaden wrapping around me from behind holding me.

Everyone was trying to calm me down and as I settled Harrison and Kevin ran off to find Trent he might know what to do.

Griffin was leaned next to me head on Jadens shoulder his face blank

"I could get kicked out of school for this"
"I could get kicked out of my house" I told them
Jaden was living on his own in California he was 18 sure his nudes were leaked without his consent but this won't affect his social media badly it won't hurt his music

Jaden Pulled us both close
"I'll fix it I'll take care of both of you I won't let anything bad happen to you" he says softly

We are sitting on the ground outside a dirty hotel pool our friends all around us and while this situation really sucks the boys are working they are posting and talking to Trent they are reassuring us and making us feel okay I don't want to be anywhere else right now

This is where I'm safe.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now