Chapter four

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Anthony's Pov: it's later into the afternoon now about 4 o'clock when we all decide to go down to the pool the other boys leave to change and I stretch on the bed before standing up.

I go to my suitcase searching for a swimsuit quickly realizing I forgot mine.

"Hey I forgot to pack a swimsuit" I tell the guys
"Of course you did here you can borrow mine" Griffin laughs out handing me a his suit to borrow

We are quick to change and I go to the bathroom before we go but looking in the mirror I become selfconscious Griffs swim trunks are obviously a size to big for me hanging off my more narrow hips. It just makes me think of how young I must look compared to them they are both wider and more muscular than me I'm mostly just skinny.

"Yo Anthony lets go" Jaden calls and I rush out of the bathroom to see them waiting at the door they pull me out of the room Griffin holding towels obviously being the responsible one for the three of us as usual. We laugh and run down the hallway to the elevators.

I spam the down button as Jaden laughs "that won't make it any faster bud" but I do it anyways

The elevator arrives and we make our way down and out to the pool most of the other lights out guys are down here already.

Without warning Jaden grabs me to throw me in but I don't let go and bring him in with me. We both come up laughing and shoving at each and Griffin is quick to hop in to join us. After a minute I pull myself up to sit on the side of the pool to catch my breath Payton swims over and is quick to point out "Yo man those swim trunks are like way to big for you"

I look at him and shrug but Griffin is quick to say "he had to borrow mine because he forgot his"

Payton laughs and I hop back in the pool we play games of chicken and Marco Polo with the guys we have a gaint slash flight before deciding to just relax around the pool.

I look over to see Jaden pulling himself out of the pool his tan skin slick and shining as the setting sun hits him.

I blush lightly a look away almost feeling like I'd done something wrong as I turn back to my conversation with Chaser.

Griffin walks over and sits across from me again I can't help but stare for a second his light chest hair is damp and curled and his abs are flexed as he leans back to stretch.

Once again I'm quick to avert my gaze feeling like I saw something I shouldn't have. The guys have gathered around talking randomly till someone says they are ready for dinner. We decide on Olive Garden and head back to our rooms to clean up and change for dinner.

Back in the room we take turns showering and hang our trunks to dry on the balcony.

Jadens Pov: We don't ever bother taking turns to change in the bathroom we are all guys here nothing we haven't seen before, we just turn away from each other to change.

I had just finished getting dressed when I turn around to see Anthony trying to wiggle into a tight pair of boxer briefs his back to me. His skin still slightly damp the fabric clings to him and he bounces lightly while pulling them on.

His ass jiggles a bit and looks firm and perky now clad in tight red boxers briefs. I quickly look away never before having stared at my best friends ass so intensely.

The slight jiggle of it doesn't leave my mind and I feel a light blush form never having had thought about Anthony like that other boy's butts sure a handful of them but Anthonys never.

I'm quick to wonder if Griffin has ever looked at Anthony that way if I am, I wouldn't be surprised seeing as how I know Griff is no stranger to men either he's had his fair share of both men and women including me.

We'd never tell Anthony but before we got close with Anthony me and Griffin fooled around a few times at first just quick handies "bro's helping bro's" but it became more actual fooling around when we moved to blow jobs and the occasional fuck.

I've never seen or heard Anthony talk about men before his still a bit hesitant to even talk about women to us he would never admit it out loud but he's shy and not really one to talk about himself.

Me and Griff talk about women a lot and have even thrown in the occasional reference to having done something with a man but I don't think Anthony's ever caught on.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now