Chapter six

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Anthony's Pov: I slipped back into the room last night at about 10:14 exhausted I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed not even noticing Griffin and Jaden in bed together.

I wake the next morning to A thud I open my eyes slowly to see Griffin glaring at Jaden from the floor.

"What was that for" Griffin whines
"You wouldn't let me up and I gotta pee" Jaden laughs rolling out of bed and walking to the bathroom

That's when I realized that they slept in the same bed and I hadn't even noticed but I don't think much about it. Griffin stands off the floor facing me in just his boxer I realize I'm staring straight at his crotch and quickly pull the blankets over my head I hear Griffin laugh before he jumps on my bed.

"You gotta get up and start getting ready bud" Griffin says pulling the blankets away from my face I pout and shake my head at him giving him my best puppy dog eyes. To be honest I'm really nervous about today I'm worried I'll fuck it up. 

Griffin just laughs and pulls me up and out of bed while I groan but get up. I go to pick out my outfit and find a water in the mini fridge I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face to see Jaden doing Griffin's hair he makes a TikTok of it and I just giggle in the background while I brush my hair trying to get it to lay flat.

I was ready way earlier than the others I made a TikTok or two and sat on the bed waiting my anxiety getting to me I was biting at my nails and bouncing my leg rapidly when Jaden and Griff finally emerged from the bathroom dressed and ready for the meet and greet they pulled me from the bed and into the hallway.

The hallway was bustling with the boys waiting at the elevators we all eventually made it down to the lobby to meet Trent. He was waiting for us and was quick to usher everyone on to the bus to get to the venue. Jaden dragged our trio to the back of the bus where he sat next to me and Griff was right across from us.

I continued to bounce my leg and began fiddling with the hem of my shirt Jaden was quick to notice my anxiety and held my hand while he hummed a random song I didn't know.

It calmed me slightly and made the trip to the venue seem more relaxed, my zen was broken by the boys sudden excited yelling that we were here and I gripped Jadens hand tightly.

Jaden lead me off the bus us still hand in hand Griffin  following close behind, once inside Trent was quick to instruct us on how everything would work and inform us that the first day was always the hardest which did nothing to sooth my nerves. We ran through a few things deciding where in line to stand I of course demand Jaden and Griffin to be on either side of me which they met with no complaints.

And then it was time to begin, the doors were opened and hundreds of screaming fans poured into the building and filed through the line I was nervous but they made it easy they mostly just wanted a good hug and pictures I was gifted many scrunchies and drawings a few necklaces and bracelets and the day went by surprisingly easy. We were working through the last of our fans and everything was really chill.

My last fan of the day walked up to me and was very sweet she gave me a giant hug and smiled at me sweetly she asked if in our picture I would kiss her on her cheek I was feeling really confident with how smoothly everything had gone today so I said yes.

Right as I was about to kiss her cheek she turned her head and planted a big fat kiss right On my lips all caught on camera she was quick to run of squealing to her friends, but I was mortified.

She just took my first kiss I wanted it to be special and meaningful with someone I really like and she just took it like it was no big deal. I tried to fake a smile at the fans as we walked out into the back room.

I was devastated I didn't know what to feel but I was quick to rush to the bathroom and lock myself in a stall. I took a shaky breath and soon the tears were just pouring down my face I couldn't stop them I just wanted to go to my friends for comfort but I didn't want to tell them why I was upset.

Then they'd know, they'd know I'm not cool that everything was just an act that I'd never been with a girl that I'd never had my first kiss and that I was just a giant blush virgin. They'd think I was a loser and tease me relentlessly because even the youngest kids here have had makeout sessions and hookups.

I just had to suck it up I decided I was quick to dry my tears and wash the snot off my face. I pulled it together and took a shaky breath before leaving the restroom to go back to the boys.

Jaden rushed up to me asking what took so long as he dragged me back out to the fans where he and Payton played a song we interacted with the fans for a bit longer before we loaded the bus and made our way back to the hotel.

We made our way straight to the dinner buffet at the hotel before even going to our rooms we were starved and loaded our plates everyone was tired and we'd being leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for our next tour stop.

The boys told stories of the most memorable girls they met today and the gifts they got when all of a sudden Chase shouts out across the table at me

"Wha" was all I got out before he began to pass his phone around to everyone.

They were all quick to ask questions wanting to know why and if it was good, before they finally settled down enough for my to speak

"She was my last fan today I planned to kiss her on the cheek but.." I said trying to hold it together a blush on my face as I just shrugged and looked around uncomfortably.

I was surprised by the loud shouts of congratulations and way to go mans while being clapped on the back they thought I was cool. I looked to Jaden and Griffin across the table who gave me large proud smiles before everyone finally calmed down again.

My little trio made it slowly back to the room where we took turns shower before passing out in a heep cuddled together on one of the beds it felt nice to be wrapped up in my best friends arms soothed to sleep after such a stressful day.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now