Chapter nineteen

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Jaden's Pov: we stayed up most of the night with Noen and Chase it was great for Anthony's mood but when they finally left to go back to their room for bed his mood dropped.

I could tell he was tired and fighting it but he wanted to stay up and take his mind off of what happened I snapped a cute picture of my baby and posted it to Instagram Captioned "fuck a bitch that mad baby sad" now we haven't come out to the fans but they all know we are close with eachother

The boys must still be awake because they were commenting saying they hoped he felt better and that they loved him no matter what. I showed him and I know it made him feel a bit better but Payton didn't comment just liked it and I know that bothered Anthony.

Eventually Griffin forced us into bed saying we need some kinda sleep even if we didn't have a plan for tomorrow

Anthony's Pov: The next day we slept in the boys wanted us to go to lunch with them I took a lot of convincing to even get out of bed.

Jaden picked out my outfit and Griffin brushed my hair and ties my shoes. They had to drag me to the elevator and once I realized they weren't letting me go back to the room I attached myself to Griffin's side burried in my hoodie.

"I don't want to" I mumble pulling at Griffin's sleeve as we exit the elevator into the lobby
"Buddy it's fine no one thinks any different of you" Griffin tells me I know that's bull shit

I drag my feet hiding as much as I can behind Griffin I hear they guys greet us but I say nothing I catch Jaden giving them the don't say anything about it look.

It's awkward to say the least I notice Payton isn't here which is good I don't know what I would do cry or hit him maybe both.

I'm quiet all of lunch huddled close to Griffin, Jaden tried to get me to talk asking me questions and trying to tug me away from Griff but I just ignored him

The guys decided they wanted to do some shopping and so I get dragged along to some mall I'm just not really in the mood. I follow Griffin around like a puppy

Suddenly Griffin turns to me "little prince as rude as this sounds go away... go talk to Jaden and our friends I promise they don't think of you differently and Jaden has just been trying to help" he says

I pout at him "go" he shoos me away

I find Jaden and a group of the boys by Starbucks but I guess Payton decided to come meet up with everyone cause there he is sipping a stupid fucking pink drink talking to Jaden


"Anthony!" Jaden calls running to me and dragging me to the group

Payton looks at me and I stare right back not very happy to see him he's quick to try and pull me aside

"Look Anthony I didn't know" he starts but just hearing his voice sends my into a rage and before I can even form a thought my fist hits him square in his face

"Anthony" Jaden yelps quickly pulling me away from Payton

My hand throbs it's bloody and so is Payton's nose

"What the hell is going on" Griffin yells walking over to us

I'm shaking lightly adrenaline rushing through me Jaden is trying to say something to me but I can't hear him I watch Griffin intensely he's checking Payton's nose over
"I don't think it's broken the bleedings already slowing down" he says

Why is Griffin checking on Payton first what about me?

"I deserved that" Payton laughs 

Griffin turns to me finally reaching for my hand
"You in the other hand are bleeding quite a lot you split your knuckles

Oh so now he's concerned about me huh 

I yank my hand away from him and pull away from Jaden storming off from the group and out of the mall.  

Griffin's Pov: What the fuck just happened I look to Jaden and he looks just as confused as me

"I really fucked up didn't I?" Payton asked

"Maybe more than we originally thought" Jaden says
"We were surprised obviously but it really doesn't change anything" Josh says the guys agreeing 

"He's probably just grabbed an Uber back to the hotel let's head back and we can all figure this out." I tell them

Anthony's Pov: fuck fuck FUCK what did I do what am I doing?! Just fuck

I feel like an asshole I didn't mean to hit Payton I didn't mean to storm off when Jaden and Griffin were just trying to help I didn't mean to get lost on the way back to the hotel and I didn't mean to start crying on a random bench.

I feel my phone buzzing and answer it without even looking who it was

"Oh thank god baby you answered where are you we went back to the hotel and you weren't here and we're worried about you" Jaden says anxiously over the phone

"I" is all that I get out before a sob escapes me
"Little prince drop us a pin of your location and we'll come get you okay" Griffin says

I drop the pin and wait with silent tears streaming down my face for them to show up

It doesn't take more than ten minutes for them to show up

"Oh baby" Jaden sighs wrapping me in his arms
"Little prince what happened" Griffin askes holding my face in his hands

"I don't know I don't know" I sob 

They are quick to get us back to the hotel

"I'm sorry" I tell them "I didn't mean to run off or hit Payton I just snapped"

"It's okay baby we understand" Griffin says 

It's been a few hours before there's a knock on the door I answer it.

I find Payton on the other side slightly bruised as sad looking when he sees it's me that answered the door I immediately have a crying Payton wrapping around me

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything Anthony I didn't mean to hurt you" he cries

"I'm sorry for punching you" I say hugging him back 

"I don't care if you don't have sex for your entire life I still love you bro you are one of my bestfriends"

I laugh "I'm not going my whole life without sex Payton

"Good you have two really hot boyfriends" he giggles back we hug for a bit longer before pulling away

"Friends?" I ask "best friends!" He states with a big smile.

He leaves shortly after and my boys smile at me from the bed.

"All good baby?" Jaden asks
"Word" I smiled climbing into bed with them 
"Word" they laugh back kissing me as we settle into bed.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now