Chapter thirteen

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Anthony's Pov: I've been watching Jaden and Griffin together all day, sharing sweet Secret kisses holding hands for brief seconds whisper things in eachothers ears they even held hands under the table at lunch.

We're out taking pictures rn with the guys. Griffin and Jaden are wearing pretty much matching outfits, they are taking a ton of pictures together fans will definitely be going crazy. Griff has his hand in Jadens back pocket pulling him close they turn to whisper to eachother they look a bit more serious for a second.

Jaden nods to something Griffin says and before I know it Griffin has pulled Jaden in for a kiss in the middle of their photoshoot!!

I'm shook everyone gets quiet all eyes on them they pull away from eachother smiling.

"Um guys?" Payton asks

They just laugh and look at the group smiling
"We're dating" they say together
A brief moment passes before the guys are up and congratulating them telling them they support it and love them no matter what I have a smile on my face but I don't move forward.

The guys turn to look at me not understanding why I'm not congratulating my best friends I burst out laughing I just can't help it
"I already knew" I say
"What how?" Chase asks
I blush bright red "well you see I kinda sorta... walked in on them doing it" I rush out

I thought everyone was going to die from laughing so hard but I was gonna die of embarrassment and Griffin and Jaden made it worse when they both came up and planted fat wet kisses on my cheeks.

Jaden's Pov: Telling the guys was easy I knew they'd be supportive what surprised me was Anthony admitting to walking in on us he was just setting himself up the the attention and embarrassment he hated soo dearly.

Me and Griffin had talked we had hoped us telling the group would give Anthony the courage to tell our friends he was gay, we just wanted him to know that they'd support him no matter what.

After our little coming out we took plenty more pictures with the group and of us and Anthony. He seemed to be having a really good day he was being really out going and brave he didn't get all embarrassed when a group of people walked by while we took pictures maybe we gave him more than just realizing that our friends would except his sexuality but his true self he didn't seem uncomfortable with the groups more questionable conversations.

We are currently walking to target Griffin is carrying Anthony on his back because he complained about his feet hurting. When we got into target Griff put Anthony in a cart and we pushed him around the store the guys made jokes about us being like his parents which resulted in Anthony pouting adorably and sticking his tongue out at them.

We bought a few things we made bad dancing TikToks we raced the other boys down the aisle till it started to get late we have another meet and great tomorrow so we decided it was time to head back.

On the walk back to the hotel me and Griffin hold hands Anthony starts to drag behind the group obviously worn out and exhausted. We stop and wait for him to catch up to us where Griffin then takes his hand and holds it guiding him back to the hotel.

Once back in the room Anthony brushes his teeth and washes his face. He strips down to his boxer and quickly dives into bed he's out like a light before I can even get into the shower.

Me and Griffin take turns showering we sleep in just our boxers and sleep in the bed opposite of Anthony's.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now