Chapter fourteen

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Anthony's Pov: You know how sometimes you just wake up having a bad day nothing has happened you haven't even gotten out of bed and you just aren't having it. Today was one of those days for me.

I just woke up feeling drained like my brain didn't rest and did nothing but think all night. I got up early to shower and in the shower I did nothing but think at first just about what was to come of the day ahead. But then my brain decided it wanted to think about the what if's simple ones at first what if I miss breakfast or what if my breath stinks what if I trip at the meet and greet.

But after my shower while I do my hair and pick out my outfit my thoughts progress even more for the worse. What if the fans are mean today what if no one likes how I dress what if I embarrass myself by getting a random boner.

As Jaden and Griffin got up for the day I've just been staring at my clothes laid out on the bed for five minutes. They say they're good mornings head off the the bathroom to do their hair. Every morning Jaden does Griffins hair, no one ever asks to do my hair. They always get ready together in the morning why don't they include me.

"Anthony" Jaden calls he's standing by the bathroom door holding his and Griffins clothes
"Are you ever gonna get dressed or are you just gonna stare at your clothes" he asks

That's when I realize that his hair is done and he always does Griffins first, how long had I been standing here?

"does this look okay" I ask gesturing to my clothes laid out
He walks over taking a look "it looks fine bud" as he walks back to the bathroom

I finally get dressed I'm looking in the hall mirror readjusting my hair over and over. I'm just not having a good day and I know it I don't feel like I look good I'm not in a good mood I don't want to have to do anything I just want to crawl back into bed.

"Anthony?" Jaden calls again I look to him and he and Griffin are waiting by the door
"Are you coming" I nod moving slowly towards the door.

They usher me out first following behind me to the elevators a few of the other boys are there too they greet us but I say nothing I'm took focus on how my shoe lace has already come untied. I sigh and just stare at it.

"Come on give it to me" Griffin says moving in front of me I gently lift my leg he grabs it pulling it up to rest on his thigh so he can tie my shoe

I try to smile at him softly and I feel like it comes off more as a grimace. I just look at him he smiles at me guiding me into the elevator with an arm around my shoulders.

Today is going to be soo long...

At the venue as the fans come in I try my best to seem bright and happy I give the biggest smiles and hugs I can over compensating for the fact that I feel like I want to cry. We are half way through the day and I'm already exhausted I'm tired and overwhelmed.

I look over and see Jaden and Griffin together with a group of fans they are smiling and laughing together and all I can think is that they are doing all that without me. What else can they do without me? I mean they are in a relationship together now they are more to eachother now than I am to them.

I want to be the most important person to them, I use to feel like the center of their world but now they are eachothers worlds. I need to excuse myself from this I just need a break. I go to find Trent he tries to convince me that it's just an hour more but I'm done I need a break he okays it and sends me to the back room.

But I go to the bathroom instead I go into the big stall and at least the bathroom seems clean I think before my back is sliding down the wall and I'm sobbing.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now