Chapter twelve

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Griffin's Pov: The next morning we are packing up to get on the bus me and Jaden sharing soft kisses as we move around the room. Our little bundle of joy Anthony is not happy about being up at 6 in the morning. We were the last to start making our way down to the bus and we are standing alone waiting for the elevator.

Anthony is wearing a polkadot hoodie and little yellow shorts that are tiny on his long legs and when he bends down trying to adjust his socks his shorts pull tight across his plump ass. Jaden must have been staring too because he's quick to slap his ass.

Anthony is a blushing mess and I only want to see him redder. Once in the elevator Anthony is leaning against the wall I move to him quickly flipping him around so his back is too me. I grind my crotch against his ass as I snake my hand into his hair pulling his head back to me.

"Little prince a you trying to tease me by wearing those tight little shorts?" I ask whispering in his ear my voice husky.

He's beet red and before he can speak the elevator opens me and Jaden quickly move out of it but Anthony rests his forehead against the wall for a moment before following after us.

We make are way onto the bus finding our seats, me and Jaden sitting together and Anthony across from us. As we leave I figured Anthony like some of the others would get comfortable and fall asleep, but he hasn't.

He's laid back staring blankly across the aisle at us with his headphones in. I begin to worry that maybe I took it to far in the elevator he is actually innocent after all. Finally after an hour of his staring he removes his headphones and asks to come sit with us.

He gently lays across our laps smiling at us. He's lost in thought for a few moments

"What's on your mind bud?" Jaden asks prompting him to speak
"Is anyone awake?" He asks
"I think just about everyone is asleep" I say And he nods And plays with his hands for a moment
"I.." he starts to say before taking a few deep breaths and trying again
"I think I'm gay" he says softly a moment passes before
"Well thank god if you weren't that would have made us trying to seduce you awkward" Jaden jokes slapping his thigh but giving him the most genuine smile I've seen. He looks up at me from my lap and I just smile and stroke his cheek.

Anthony's Pov: That was a lot easier that I thought it would be. That didn't even care they still gave me the same sweet smiles and let me cuddle up in their laps to fall asleep.

Right before I close my eyes Jaden says something
"We made it official last night" he says
I look at him confused for a moment
"Us" he says lifting him and Griffin's conjoined hands.

I smile softly at them before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I wake sometime later to to murmuring and soft laughs I open my eyes the see Griff and Jaden asleep leaning against eachother. I look around more to find the boys gathered around taking pictures of us I lift a hand to try and shoo them away but they just laugh.

Chase looks down over us standing in the row of seats behind us
"We are getting a bathroom break" he says before aggressively shaking the other two awake.

This results in them jolting awake sending my flying to the floor. I bang my head on the seats in front of us and whimper before Griffin can even ask what's going on he's quickly checking me over for bumps and bruises asking if I'm okay I say I'm fine before we all make our way into a buc-ees.

We all use the restroom shop through all the gift shop like novelty items and buy snacks. Griffin buys me one of those long suckers that's just a spiral of colors around the stick. Back on the bus I seat in my own seat across from the boys.

I'm absent mindedly sucking on my sucker and playing on my phone as the bus pulls off after ten minutes I look up the see the boys watching me they quickly turn away from me avoiding my gaze. I see Griffin palm at his crotch lightly while Jaden is quick to grab his pillow from the floor to cover his lap.

Oh! I think did I do that? I try to catch their eye again but they are firmly avoiding me. I smirk I had and idea

I lean forward in my seat across the aisle
"Guys" I say just above a whisper around my sucker giving them the widest eyes I can manage
The turn to look at me slowly, pulling the sucker out on my mouth giving one last lick I wipe my thumb across my mouth cleaning it before asking
"Do you know how much longer till we're there"

They shake their heads no before quickly looking away Griff leans back in his seat a little and groans quietly. Eventually I make my way to the guys sitting in the back of the bus and we mess around for awhile making videos and playing games before we finally arrived at the hotel.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now