Chapter seventeen

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Anthony's Pov: Over the past few days everything has been perfect the guys didn't act any differently over us dating, the meet and greets have been so fun and easy.

And my relationship is magical we kiss all the time I've had my first make out session and second and third and so on. Griffin even gave me a giant hickey on my neck it got me so hard I didn't know my neck was so sensitive, Griff called it my sweet spot and said that's why that spot felt so good.

Noen and Chase laughed at me the next morning when I rushed to their room panicking as I asked for help covering it before the meet and greet. Noen was sweet and helped making sure I paid attention to learn how to do it.

Even some more intense stuff happened like how I watched Jaden blow Griffin


Griffin was kissing me roughly his scruff tickling my cheeks, Jaden was sucking and kissing at Griffin's neck close to what I assume is his sweet spot based on the little groans he releases into our kiss.

After a few minutes of what is probably the best kiss Griffin has ever given me he pulls away before turning to Jaden grasping his chin
"Why don't you suck on something else" he says his voice husky as he looks down at his obvious bulge.

I watch wide eyes as he strips his lower half laying back against the headboard with his legs spread. Holy shit Griffin is big at least eight inches good girth his top is red as it throbs slightly. The vein on the underside pulses as Jaden crawls between Griffin's legs and licks up it before sucking the tip into his mouth cause a deep moan to come from Griffin.

I whimper slightly at the soft slurping and gagging sounds Jaden makes as Griffin pushes his head further down on his cock.

Griffin reaches over to take my other hand softly tugging me over to lay back next to him.
For a minute or two I continue to watch Jaden work Griff closer and closer to his climax before Griffin turns my face to him kissing me.

This time he's a lot more gentle we kiss passionately to the sounds of Jaden moaning and gagging he has pushed his pants down enough to jerk himself off as he blows Griff

I feel Griffin's hand run slowly up my leg stopping just before my bulge before continue up to palm me softly eliciting a whimper from me. He goes up to my waist band tugging at it softly before I quickly push his hand away pulling back slightly.

"It's okay little prince" he says softly "we won't till you are ready"  he kisses me gently one last time

Jaden groans loudly around Griffins cock as he cums. The vibrations of his moan must push Griffin over the edge he holds Jadens head down for a moment as he starts to cum before pulling out and pumping the last free weak shots right onto Jadens lips

"Kiss him" he says pushing me towards him, Jaden tugs me close kisses me roughly tugging my hair causing me to moan so he can shove his cum covered tongue in my mouth and god does it taste good I whimper again as Jaden pulls away while I lick my lips.

"Do you want me to do you too?" Jaden askes in my ear I'm just quick to shake my head as Griffin pulls me back to lay with him.

End of flashback

"Whatcha thinking's about baby" Jaden whispers in my ear sitting behind me on the bed wrapping his arms around my middle

"Nothing" I reply
"Oh yeah and nothing got you rock hard" he questions breathily in my ear
That's when I look down to see me sporting an obvious hard on I blush

"Come up here you two" Griffin says leaned back at the top of the bed
We quickly make our way up to him me sandwiched in the middle my favorite spot
"Let us help you out little prince" Griffin says
I look at them nervously before nodding

I take a deep breath before lifting my hips slightly as Jaden and Griffin help me tug my sweats down

"Damn baby boy's packing" Jaden laughs I didn't think I was anything special seven inches I mean I was pretty damn thick but I felt like I was nothing compared to the boys

I see Griffin pass Jaden something and realize they are passing a travel sized bottle of lube

"Are you sure baby" Griffin says I just nod I don't trust myself not to cry the second I open my mouth

Jaden reaches over and slowly strokes up and down I tense and whimper pressing my lips together
"Just relax" Griffin whispers placing a gentle kiss to my forehead before his hand joins Jadens.

They take turns pumping my cock and playing with my balls they each suck and kiss at either side of my neck I'm a whimpering whining mess
"Please" I moan out
"Please what baby" Griffin teases
"Please let me come" I whine out clenching my eyes shut
"He won't let you till you call him by his name" Jaden whispers
"Griffin please" I try I'm so close to coming
"That won't do" Griff says I whine
"Try daddy" Jaden whispers my dick throbs hard
I feel like my breathing stops for a moment but I need to come so badly
"Daddy please let me come please daddy" I whine out looking up at Griffin
"Cum for daddy baby" he says huskily stroking my cock fast and hard Jaden playing with the tip

"Fuck" I moan out loudly as I cum throwing my head back I swear I see stars breathing heavily shaking slightly.

Griffin reaches over grabbing some tissues from the nightstand he gently begins to wipe the cum from their hands before moving to clean my softly.
I whimper at the touch over stimulated at the movement he's quick to finish.

I shakily try pulling my sweats back up but my hips and my legs shake hard almost giving out as I try to lift myself up the boys are quick to help me.

After we settle down I hold tightly on to Griffin clingy to him unsure what to do I liked it I wanted it but my emotions and hormones are racing and I just feel overwhelmed.

I hold onto Griffin tighter hiding my face in his chest he soothes me softly telling me how great I was and how much he loves me. Jaden is rubbing my back he's brought me water to sip at and he kisses my shoulders.

Our moment is interrupted by knocking at the door, Jaden goes to answer it before the boys come running in excitedly yelling about movie night.

Fuck we had forgotten movie night.
I just let everyone else deal with it i burrow further into Griffin's side I just want to be taken care off right now.

"Anthony you can't fall asleep before to movie even starts" chase calls
I just groan at him
"Hey what's that" Payton asks leaning off the side of the bed to pick something off the floor
"Omg omg ewww" he screeches after looking at hit tossing it behind him it lands in Bryces lap
"Ohh lube... that's interesting"Bryce drawls looking over at us
"Ahhhh" the guys yell and screech

I pull the blankets all the way up to my cheeks whining Jaden winks at the boys before crawling into be behind me and he presses play on the movie.

Griffin just hushes them holding me close
"Rest all you need little prince We're right here to take care of you" Griff says softly my eyes falling close.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now