Chapter seven

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Griffin's Pov: I woke up before my alarm the next morning I opened my eyes to see Jaden looking across Anthony straight at me. He slowly motions for me to go to the bathroom and we carefully maneuver out of bed without disturbing Anthony luck for us he's exhausted.

Smut warning

I follow Jaden into the bathroom quietly shutting and locking the door. I quickly glance over him he's in just his boxer... and has very apparent morning wood. Jaden is giving me puppy dog eyes and I just smirk at him. I back him up against the counter and drop to my knees.

I mouth over his covered member and then gently pull his boxers down. Jaden has a beautiful cock it's about 7.5inches with decent girth, it matches his beautiful tanned skin and the head is flushed rose pink. I lick up the underside of his cock and softly suck the tip into my mouth.

I massage his balls lightly as I slowly take him deeper in my mouth he's panting letting out soft whines as I feel him relax against the counter.

He's always been so sensitive and I feel his knees bow as his tip hits the back of my throat. His balls are already tightening up and I know he won't last. I flex my throat and palm his balls and give one last hard suck and he's gone a small whimper and he's cumming down my throat.

I swallow easily and stand up to kiss him holding him up slightly as he comes down from his high he smiles at me.

"We should wake Anthony up and pack" I say to him softly receiving a small nod from him

We walk out to the main room and see Anthony starfished out on the bed having kicked the sheets off of him he's fast asleep in just his tight little boxer briefs

He looks really good his hips look so small and delicate his long legs spread wide and his lips are plump and soft pink slightly parted as he takes gentle breaths.

I've never seen Anthony this way before he looks so young yet soo mature like he's finally grown into himself and I want nothing more than to touch him.

I realize I've been staring and turn to look at Jaden but he's staring too he quickly glances at me and I'm sure we are on the same page

We think Anthony is hot.

I walk over to the bed softly sitting by Anthony's head and waking him gently I know yesterday was a bit hard on him he was so nervous so I wait patiently for him to come too.

He finally looks up and me with wide eyes and I smile
"Time to get up you still have to pack and we leave in an hour" I state softly he hums and sits up.

I move to my suitcase pulling out something comfortable to wear on the bus ride and begin packing up my things we all silently moved about the room collecting out things and pack our stuff. Large filled suitcases full of outfits for under the bus and small backpacks with our chargers and blankets make their way to line to front hall by the door.

I finally look up at the boys we are almost ready Anthony is in the bathroom collecting his toothbrush and face wash and Jaden is sitting on the bed in black joggers and a soft looking purple tee similar to me but I'm wearing all black.

Anthony comes out of the bathroom finally all packed and he looks adorable. He's wearing a matching set of soft baby blue sweatpants and a sweatshirt he's got on clean white socks and a pair of slides. He looks tired as he walks over to sit by me on the bed.

He leans his head on my shoulder with a sigh and we all wait silently waiting for the let's start loading up text from Trent.

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