Chapter eleven

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Griffin's Pov: After hearing Anthony talk about daddy kinks I felt my dick stir. So when we got back to the hotel I was quick to convince Anthony to go hangout with some of the guys while me and Jaden went back to the room.

Jaden laughs as I shove him down on the the bed
"It was the daddy thing wasn't it?" He says smirking up at me
"Anthony being the one to say it only made it worse" I say

I start to strip staring down at him he laughs and starts wiggling out of his jeans. We waste no time once we are both naked we are all over eachother.

This time is hungrier and more desperate than usual the struggle for dominance last longer than normal. We're grinding against eachother biting and sucking at the others neck.

"Just let me fuck you already" I groan
"Take me" he smirks

I'm quick to pin his wrists about his head done with this struggle for dominance, I kiss him roughly he moans into the kiss thrusting up to rub our dicks together.


We quickly pull away from eachother turning around to come face to face with Anthony his eyes wide

"Anthony it's not what you think" Jaden tries to explain

But Anthony just takes a few steps back we start throwing on our clothes no caring that we switched shirts

"Let us explain" I try but Anthony is backing away further rubbing at his face before he's bolting from the room.

"FUCK" Jaden yells throwing himself down on the bed

I'm quick the text the group chat with the boys asking if anyone has seen Anthony and no one has.

"Come on we gotta go look for him" I say to Jaden
He nods we fix our clothes we walk the halls checking the lobby, by the pool and the gym, finally we go up to the roof top garden.

He's sat in a large cushioned chair sitting by the fountain

"Little prince" I say softly
He looks back at us with and he just looks soo confused.

We quickly sit in front of him on the edge of the fountain each reaching forward to place a hand on his knee.

"Are you okay bud?" Jaden questions softly
But he just shrugged while pulling his knees to his chest. We sit is silence for awhile before Anthony finally speaks

"Are you two dating?" He questions softly
" we started messing around before we even met you we've just been messing around for awhile I guess" Jaden try's to explain
"So it doesn't mean anything to you?" He asks
" it isn't meaningless it just..." I don't know what to say Jaden means just as much to me as Anthony does these boys are my world. I look over to Jaden and he looks at me.

"We've never really talked about what this is" I say
"It's not meaningless I mean you're my best friend" Jaden says softly

We just stare at eachother for awhile and I gently take Jadens hand and he squeezes it back giving me a simple smile. I hear a little giggle before turning to look at Anthony who's peeking out from behind his knees.
"You totally like eachother" he says with a shy smile

I just squeeze Jadens hand and stand I put my other hand out for Anthony to take, he takes it shyly I hold it tightly before leading both my boys back to the room.

Back in the room we share some ramen before getting ready to for bed we all squeeze into bed Anthony in the middle he's easy to sooth to sleep.

" I think Anthony's right" I say
"Me too" he says smiling at me
"Be my boyfriend" I ask reaching for his hand resting on Anthony's side.
"Word" he giggles squeezing my hand

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now