Chapter three

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Anthony's Pov: I held a pillow to my chest resting my chin on top of it hunched foreword and stiff anticipating another scary part of the movie.

I was in fact terrified I hated scary movies sure everyone else jumps at jump scares but no one seemed to be effected as badly as me. I whimpered a little as the movie grows more suspenseful then

BAM all of a sudden something jumps out and I jolt Hard. Full on tuck into myself head behind the pillow shaking.

I suddenly feel a hand on my back and jump a little quickly turning to look at Jaden he's smiling gently at me in the soft glow of the tv and he slowly guides me to lay back against him. He readjusts so I'm sitting in between his legs cuddled against his chest.

I feel Griffin reach over to rub my thigh and Jaden starts to play with my hair I begin to relax completely in Jaden's grip and I begin to fall asleep.

Griffin's Pov:As the movie ends I can tell everyone is restless they decide it time for a snack run and all agree to go to the gas station. That's when they notice Anthony fast asleep against Jadens chest.

I tell them to go get snacks and we'll stay here to pick out a new movie and let them in when they get back. After they leave I notice Jaden still has his hand in Anthony's hair silently soothing the fast asleep boy. My heart swells at the sight these two are the best of best friends and I love them dearly and I can't help but smile widely at the sight of them

That's when I hear the whimper...

Anthony is whimpering and whining in his sleep now I quickly move to them on the other side of the bed as Jaden quickly try's to hush him. But Anthony only grows more distressed and quickly is thrashing and crying out in terror all in his sleep.

My poor boy whimpers and cry's out a loud "NOO" before jolting out of Jadens grasp sitting rigidly panting hard tears streaming down his cheeks.

I move myself into his view and carefully reach out to comfort the the younger boy, he immediately latches on to me arms thrown around my neck as he cry's still not fully aware of the world around him.

When he finally starts to calm down Jaden moves and comes back with a damp washcloth he slowly passes it to me and I gently peel Anthony from the crook of my neck.

He's a mess snot and tears cover his face his eyes and nose red and puffy. I gently wipe his face clean and he blinks slowly at me slowly realizing what just happened. I feel him growing embarrassed as he trieds to pull away and Jaden gently soothes him with a hand on his back as he moves to sit behind him again.

He softly murmurs to Anthony that it's okay and we understand we all get bad dreams sometimes but his embarrassment only grows

"Sorry" he mumbles quietly with his head hung low

I decided to reassure him with a soft smile and a kiss to his forehead I see his blush deepen at that he's always hated when we treat him so gently but after all he's the youngest of our trio.

After we deem our boy okay we choose not to question the nature of his dream. I explain where everyone is and ask if he he'd like to pick the next movie.

"Not horror!" He's quick to say I chuckle and agree suggesting a comedy

He takes the remote and scrolls through the movies landing on 21 jump street. I grab my phone a take a quick picture of my boys cuddled together on the bed.

I lay back next to them and begin watching TikToks they both start watching over my shoulder and laughing along we decide to make one together. It's silly and us just cuddled up together singing the song not something I'd post, it's something more intimate something just for me and them.

Soon I hear a knock at the door and get up to let the boys back in.

Anthony's Pov: I was mortified I hate looking like a kid in front of them I want to be their equal not a Tagalong kid trying to be cool but they were both so gently and reassuring that I did begin to relax with them again

Griff gets up to let the guys back in they pile in snacks in hand throwing us candy and chips while Noen calmly passes out sodas to us he gives me a knowing look and a gently smile obviously noticing my puffy eyes and red nose but he says nothing we settle back in for the movie and begin to relax again.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now