Chapter ten

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Anthony's Pov: the next morning I wake up alone in my bed I see my tiara sitting on the nightstand and I look across the room to the other bed and find it empty.

I check the time it's 11:15 I'm honestly surprised I didn't sleep longer I was up so late. I get up slowly and check the bathroom but Jaden and Griffin aren't there. I check my phone for texts and find none from them.

I text them a quick hey I'm up but after ten minutes of nothing I don't think I'll be getting a response. I grab a granola bar and lay back in bed to watch tv, the boys will have to show back up eventually.

And they did at 1:30

They walk in the door laughing and giggling bags from different places in hand.

"Where were you?" I asked looking up at the boys from where I sat on my bed
"Just went out and got a few things" Jaden says with his back to me as he puts his things away
"Y'all never responded to my text" I said quietly
"Sorry we didn't see it" Griffin says as he lays on the bed and rolls over and puts his back to me

Jaden then goes out to the balcony to record and I just sit there feeling stupid it feels like they are mad at me. Did I do something wrong was this because of the kiss last night maybe I was really bad and Griff told Jaden and now they think I'm weird.

I don't realize I'm starting to panic till I feel a soothing hand on my cheek slowly lifting my head up

"Breathe" Griff says softly he's calm but he's giving me a sad look

He speaks softly for a few minutes to me soothing my hair and rubbing my back. Eventually I being to hiccup and I rub at my face before calming down completely taking a few big breaths.

"You know you can tell me anything right" Griffin says but I just nod
He's giving me this look like he knows I'm bullshiting him but he just pushes me to lay down before wrapping himself around me

"Are you mad at me" I ask softly almost to quite to be heard
"Of course not love bug" Griff says sweetly he's always called me sappy names when I'm upset so I feel better
"I thought I did something wrong it felt like you were ignoring me this morning" I say hiding behind my hands
He hums softly like he's thinking for a moment before he speaks "you've seemed a bit off lately we just thought you needed space"
"I just needed my friends" I mumble barely above a whisper

He just holds me tighter it felt nice I wanted to do this more I wanted to tell him everything I've been lying about so he could just hold me while I cried.

Jaden came back in and saw us on the bed he joined us mumbling something about a cuddle party. I loved these guys I just wanted to tell them the truth.

But Jaden beat me too it cause after a few moments of silence he asked "Anthony are you a virgin?"

I flinched back into Griffin looking up with wide us at Jaden I was quick to shake me head and stutter out a no
"Anthony" Griffin mutters in my ear "it's okay if you are" he says softly Jaden Is giving me a soft smile he reaches for my hand holding it softly

I don't know what to do I don't know what to say so I just stare at Jaden right in front of me with wide shocked eyes

"Was Griffin your first kiss" Jaden asked

Griffin told him Jaden knows about the kiss
I shake my head vigorously I really just didn't know what to do I was trying to think of a way out of this how to explain it all away, I wanted to run but they had me boxed in between them on the bed.

The only thing I could think to do it cry. And once I started everything just flooded out every emotion I just sobbed and sobbed held tightly between the two boys them both trying to comfort me shushing me and telling me sweet nothings obviously not having expected me to bust out crying from confronting me.

I start to try to explain things through my sobs I don't know if they can even understand me but I tell them how I'm a virgin and how I lied about everything just wanting to seem cool how I looked up to them and just wanted them to see me as an equal and not some kid.

I told them about the fan that stole my first kiss and how she ruined everything how I wanted it to be special and with someone I loved and how I had wanted to run to them crying when it happened but couldn't.

I told them how uncomfortable I got when the guys talked about sex because I had no idea about anything all I knew about sex was from porn and I felt so stupid.

And I should have stopped there but I kept going crying while explaining how I liked when Griffin kissed me how it made me feel better and almost made me forget about my first kiss.

And I'm just a blubbering mess but they listen and hold me tight the whole time Jaden leaves once I start to calm down returning with a washcloth and gentle wiping my face clean he hums while he does so till I'm quiet and no more tears fall.

"Little prince you should have just told us it doesn't change anything we love you no matter what" Griffin tells me obviously upset from seeing my meltdown

"Bud we don't see you any differently you are the coolest guy we know being a virgin doesn't matter" Jaden says obviously thinking that I was ridiculous for thinking such a thing. He kisses my forehead softly and we just lay there for awhile till we all fall asleep.

Time skip!!!

It's been a few days we have out third meet and greet this afternoon. I think some of the guys are suspicious of my trio. Everytime the boys bring up sex Griffin and Jaden are quick to change the subject and drag me away from the conversation to do something else.

My boys have been so good to me nothing changed they still treat me like their equal they joke with me and we cuddle constantly they are maybe hovering a little but I can't say I don't mind the attention.

We are all just finishing up getting ready for the event before loading onto the bus.

After the meet and greet!!

"Today I had a ton of girls call me daddy" I say randomly to the group on the bus back to the hotel
"Is that supposed to turn me on like I don't understand what makes me daddy"

The guys laugh some say they think it's weird others say it's a huge turn on like Griffin and Jaden and to say that was attractive was an understatement.

The thought went straight to my dick maybe I could understand calling someone daddy being sexy. Because the image of Griffin pressing me up against the wall calling me little prince pops into my head it's certainly not a thought I've ever had before but the idea of him sucking on my neck while I whimper out daddy has me rock hard the whole way back to the hotel.

I've never really had that kind of dirty thought before I've never pictured my self in a sexual situation certainly not with a guy and especially not with my friend.

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