Chapter eight

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Anthony's Pov: We are finally loaded onto the bus Griff practically had to carry me out of the hotel and now I'm cuddled up in Griffin's lap Jaden sitting across from us headphones in and appearing to be asleep.

My back is against Griff's chest he's wearing a neck pillow leaning back against the window. He's holding my hands rubbing soothing circles on my palms and it puts me right to sleep.

"Shh don't be so loud you'll wake him" I hear someone whisper
"Yeah yesterday was hard on him" another voice says

I groan quietly and immediately feel soothing fingers in my hair and I settle back down and fall back asleep.

I'm finally awoken by the bus lurching to a stop I groan and cover my eyes I feel hands on my arms and knees rubbing softly I open my eyes to Jaden leaning over from his seat his hands resting on my knees and Griffin rubbing my arms
"We are getting a thirty minute bathroom bathroom break and time to stretch" Griffin mumbles in my ear I nod and sit up.

We make our way off the bus and I see we've stopped at target we go in and immediately go to the bathroom. We then walk around the store finding a group of the guys in the toys we are all just messing around we are just messing with random stuff when Chase comes up and places a plastic silver tiara with a little blue gem in the center on my head and laughs.

"Aw look at little boy blue" Jaden giggles
"Aw my little prince" Griffin cues at my smushing my cheeks

I blushed heavily and put the tiara back on the self leaving with Jaden to get snacks and some drinks.

We were some of the first back on the bus Griffin comes back with the rest of the group right before we leave he's got a bag of what seems to be snacks. We settle back in for the rest of the trip.

All the boys made lots of TikToks we were just rowdy and having fun it's was about 9:30 when we started to settle down at the announcement of us almost being to the hotel in San Diego.

By ten we are in the hotel lobby receiving room keys and heading to our rooms. I drop my stuff and make a be line for the shower.

Smut warning

For the past ten minutes I've been hiding a boner I just haven't gotten off in awhile. I turn on the shower and open my phone to look for porn. Instagram is what first pops up when I open my phone.

There I find a picture that Jaden has posted of him and Griffin at the top of my feed it's from the last hotel at the pool, they are both soaking wet shirtless with their swim trunks clinging to them.

It makes my dick throb, it surprises me those are my best friends I shouldn't look at them that way. I've never masturbated to guys before but I'm not against it but it just seems weird cause they are my friends but my dick pulses hard and I begin to stroke it slowly it feels soo good.

I lean my head back against the mirror looking at that picture and I can't help but think how I had looked at them differently that day in the pool I felt embarrassed because well I was checking my friends out.

But the image of Jadens arms flexing as he pulled himself out of the pool has me stroking faster releasing little moans. I find myself getting close but it's the thought of Griffin's abs flexing dripping with water and he stretched by the pool the pushing me to climax.

I'm quick to clean up my mess feeling a bit embarrassed of what I did what if the guys heard me moaning I'm quick to hop in the shower and rinse off.

When I get out I dry off towel around my waist and I hesitantly make my way back into the room embarrassed by what I had done. I sigh with relief when I see the boys are out filming a TikTok on the balcony. I quickly get dressed and head out to the balcony.

"Finally" Jaden moans "you took forever I'm dying to rub one out before bed" he laughs rushing to the bathroom

I go beat red completely flustered at hearing him say that we've never really talked about masturbation before and I'm not sure what to say.

Griffin looks at me and laughs which only deepens my blush
"Don't tell me my little ladies man is embarrassed about jerking off" he says with a smirk

I'm not sure what to say I just look away and play with the sleeve of my hoodie uncomfortable griffin just laughs and ruffles my hair and he walks inside

He treats me like such a kid sometimes I decide I need to pull myself together and man up a bit I don't want Griffin to see me like a little brother anymore.

As I walk back into the room I find some of the guys have come to our room to hang out they think we should play a game. Jaden gets out of the shower while we are trying to decide what to play he immediately suggests seven minutes in heaven which surprisingly everyone else agrees too.

I'm not sure what to do with myself I just had my first kiss stolen and idk if I'm ready to give another kiss to anyone else I'm sure they won't actually make me kiss someone.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now