Chapter twenty

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Anthony's Pov: We were in LA for the weekend we had our meet and greet Friday and today and tomorrow we have off today Jaden was out doing some things I'm not exactly sure what I was half asleep still when he kissed me goodbye this morning.

When me and Griffin got up for the day we were pretty relaxed we went out and got lunch at Chick-fil-A, we did some light shopping Griffin spoiling me more than he had to

"I just want to treat you like a prince it's what you deserve" he said

He bought us ice cream on our walk back to the hotel we got back to the room to change and went down to the pool and lazy river.

We floated till about 3:30 just relaxing and spending time together before going back to the room.

In the room in I'm drying off when Griffin whispers in my ear from behind

"You look so sexy right now baby those trucks are really tight on your ass" he pulls me back to him and I can feel his hard on pressing against my ass

I turn around I'm feeling confident I pull him into a kiss his hand moves to my hair tugging lightly I palm at his crotch

I pull away from him

"Let me help you with that daddy" I say

Before he can even think I'm on my knees in front of him tugging down his almost dry swim trucks

"Are you sure baby?" He asks

I just look up at him as I hold his large cock in my hand and lick up the underside of his length

"I'll take that as a yes" he moans as I suck his tip into my mouth

I've been watching videos and Jaden I've read tips online about how to give a blow job I hollow my cheeks swirl my tongue around the tip use my hand for what I can't reach.

I keep trying to take more and more of him, Griffin threads his hand in my hair he tugs slightly as he moans drawling a moan from me as well.

I look up at him as I suck harder, I see he has his phone out and holy shit he's recording my first blow job

"You're being so good for daddy" he says as he begins to push my head down further I close my eyes again trying my best to swallow him down and breathe through my nose I start to gag as he pushes me down So he starts to let go of me

But I just quicken my pace I bob my head quicker I pull almost all the way off sucking and licking at the head before going back down he puts his hand back in my hair.

He starts to fuck my face I can feel the drool running down my chin I'm gagging lightly but it's so hot, tears are forming in my eyes as I look back up to him I moan lightly around him wrapping my hand around my own cock pulling it out of my shorts pumping fast I know I'm close already.

Griffin is groaning and moving my head faster he must be close too I bring my other hand to massage his balls

I start to pump myself fast before I'm a moaning mess spilling my seed all over my hand I bring my hand up and use my cum covered hand to help pump what I can't fit in my mouth.

"Fuck baby daddy's gonna cum" Griffin moans before I taste his thick seed in my mouth I pull off and look up at him as the rest of his cum splashes in thick ropes on my face.

I'm looking up at him and his phone as he drags his fingers through his cum before placing his fingers against my lips

"Suck" he growls out and I'm quick to suck them into my mouth moaning at the taste of his cum.

He pulls his fingers out before ending the video

"Let's get you cleaned up" he laughs before tugging me to shower

Two hours later Jaden comes back and we attack him with kisses and pull him into bed with us.

"Show him show him" I chant at Griffin
"Show me what?" Jaden laughs
"Oh you are gonna love this baby" Griffin laughs handing him his phone

"Holy shit" he says looking over at me before quickly going back to watch the video I run my hands up his thighs slipping between his legs watching his dick harden through his shorts

As the video ends he moves away from me and stands I'm confused for a moment but he motions for my to stand in front of him.

He yanks me forwards kissing me roughly I feel him shoving his shorts down before pulling away

He shoves me to my knees roughly I whimper but my dick throbs he grabs a handful of hair and brings my face roughly to his cock

"Suck" he growls out and fuck is it hot

He shoves me roughly on to his cock fucking my face. I'm gagging and slurping at his cock I'm rock hard my eyes are tearing up but god do I love it

"Jaden don't you think that's a bit rough" Griff says concerned

I just moan pulling at Jadens hips so that he's closer and he just laughs breathily looking at Griffin smirking 

I have my hand down my shorts again Jaden tugs my head back roughly dragging a moan from me

"Did I say you could you touch yourself" he growls are my
I shake my head looking up at him
"You can't come until I do" he says shoving his cock back in my face

My lips were still swollen from blowing Griffin and right now my lips feel sore and bruised but I'm so turned on and fuck I feel like a cock slut

Jaden yanks my head as far down as I can go before I feel his cum spilling down the back of my throat I choke slightly because I moan as I cum with him.

He pulls out and I can feel cum dribbling down my abused lips

"Look at you my little blow job barbie your lips all swollen and covered in cum" he leans down kissing his cum from my lips

Griffin apparently being the only responsible one comes to clean the two of us up and bring us to the bed.

"Who knew our shy little boy would like it so rough" Jaden laughs
"He's quite the little blow job king already huh" Griffin laughs with him
"Well while you two were having your fun the boys texted they want to go out for dinner" Griffin adds
And we nod agreeing to go.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now