Chapter five

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Anthony's Pov: I finished changing for dinner and turn around to find Jaden staring at me. Did he watch me change, do I look bad, his he thinking about how skinny I look too?

Thoughts rush through my head and a blush forms on my cheeks I look down slightly and play with my fingers

Griffin finally looks up from his phone and gets up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Are y'all ready to go?" He questions turning to look at Jaden then me

He stares at me for a moment and I become more self conscious and I shrink in further on myself. Did I look bad or something why are they staring. It sends a little chill up my spin.

Griffin snaps out of his thoughts to Jaden saying we are ready and they head to the door. I quickly grab my phone and wallet and follow after them into the hall.

Some of the guys are in the hall too waiting for the elevator and Griffin and Jaden are quick to join the conversation they are having but I stay quiet feeling a bit out of place.

The elevator dings as it opens and we pile in and ride it down to the lobby. In the lobby the rest of the guys are waiting for us we had to order three ubers and we all walk outside to the cars.

My little trio crams into the back of an suv me being sandwiched between the other two boys.

They are classic man spreading their more muscular thighs splayed out touching mine on either side. I try to give them more room by pushing my legs together taking up as little space as I can. I hang my head and pull my sleeves down over my hands feeling a bit uneasy all of a sudden.

The car is rowdy and Jaden and Griff bump shoulders with me on multiple occasions as the lean over talking to eachother and the other boys.

When we finally get to Olive Garden I'm thankful to be out of the car and have more space to myself outside, With all the guys there Griffin and Kevin walk in to get us a table. The restaurant is already a bit busy so I know they'll be a wait especially with our large group.

I stand just off the the side of the group hearing the guys oh-ing and ah-ing Payton is showing them some photos a fan girl had sent him and they are all talking about the crazy things fans say and send to them.

I get those kinds of things too but I never know what to do with them they make me feel weird and sometimes really uncomfortable. I usually just delete them and try to forget about them. I'm not good with talking to girls how in the world would I know how to handle their nudes.

I guess I was lost in thought for awhile because I jump as Jaden grabs my wrist to lead me inside to our table. He sits me in between him and Griffin where I'm normally most comfortable but right now I don't think I'd be comfortable anywhere.

I look around the large table assessing where everyone is when I find Noen directly across from me and he gives me a gentle smile before Chase taps his shoulder pulling his attention away from me. I scan over the menu but I know I'm just gonna get Alfredo.

For the second time today Griffin bumps my shoulder and asks what I plan on getting and I tell him and then for the second time today when the waiter comes he orders for himself then for me.

I don't know if I should be grateful or embarrassed but I find myself in the middle of both. Jaden then pulls my attention ask for my opinion on some photos he wants to post and I slowly ease myself back into the rest of the group joining conversations and joking with the guys.

After about two hours we've eaten and are back at the hotel when Chase, Noen, Payton and Chaser ask if I want to hangout I say yes and we head to Noen and Chase's room.

Jaden's Pov: Anthony was next door hanging with some of the boys so it was just me and Griffin in our room. I look around the room spotting Anthony's room key on the nightstand when I get an idea.

Smut warning

I look over at Griffin sprawled out on his bed now shirtless with his belt unbuckled relaxing and playing on his phone. I smirk as I walk over and climb on top of him straddling him.

"And what do you think you're doing huh?" He asks smirking up at me
" I miss you" I whisper as I lean down to kiss him

He's quick to kiss back moving his hands to my hips and nipping at my bottom lip so I'll open my mouth. He kisses my deeply with his tongue in my mouth quickly asserting his dominance over me.

Suddenly I feel his grip on my hips tighten and then he flips us me now on my back and him hovering on top of me.

"What about Anthony" he asks his lips already looking plump and swollen I just look over to the nightstand where Anthony's room key lays and smirk
"Its handled" I whispered and surge forward to capture his lips again.

Griffin grinds against me I can feel him growing hard I feel light headed as my blood races south. I moan softly as Griffin moves to kiss my neck knowing exactly where to bite and suck so the hickeys won't be seen tomorrow. He pulls off my shirt as I run my hands up and down his abs, he smirks at me ask he plays with my nipples working a light moan out of me.

He kissed his way down to my jeans unbuttoning them without question he can see my bulge he's quick to pull my jeans off as he palms at my member. I reach out and tug on his already undone jeans and he stands to slip them off. He's back on top of me in no time mouth on mine grinding against me.

" I'm going to fuck you sooo hard you'll feel me all day tomorrow" he whispers huskily against my ear I just moan an tug my boxers down to stroke myself.

He laughs and strips himself of his boxers too he tells me to get on my hands and knees. He kneeds my cheeks and pulls them apart before I feel his tongue lap at my hole I let out a low moan as he sucks lightly and shoves his tongue in me.

We don't have lube so I know he'll get me as wet as possible this isn't the first time we've done it this way. I feel him slip a finger in and hear him chuckle lightly as I let out a whine he makes quick work of stretching me open.

He pulls back and he asks "are you ready?"
"Please" I whine out "please fuck me already"

He spits on my hole and on his hand slicking himself before he slowly pushes into my hole. I shudder as I let out a long moan and he groans once he's fully inside of me.

"It's been to long" he says as he slowly begins to move

After a minute or two I'm begging for him to go faster and harder I'm starting to get loud not caring about the boys next door, but Griffin is quick and he's got three fingers shoved in my mouth as he pounds into me

"Suck" is all he says

Griffin's Pov: I can feel Jaden's tongue licking at my fingers his light sucking as he tries to moan around them I can feel drool start to drip down my hand but this isn't keeping him quiet. I pull my hand away and quickly flip him around forcing a whine from him as I slip out and quickly back into him.

I place my hand on his throat tight enough to keep him quiet but still allowing him to breathe. I pound into him feeling myself get close. I feel him start to tighten around me and see his hand snake down to stroke himself quickly his eyes roll back lightly and I feel him clench around me as I watch him coat himself in his cum.

I get a couple more good thrust in before I'm pulling out and coming on his stomach with a low groan. I'm quick to drag my fingers through our cum and slip them between his lips for him to lick clean.

I kiss him softly tasting us on his tongue before I move to the bathroom to get us stuff to clean up. Once we are clean and dressed in or boxers/ pjs I crack the door for Anthony and climb into bed next to Jaden. I guess Anthony won't have to share his bed tonight.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now