Chapter fifteen

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Anthony's Pov: I wake up to mumbling and someone shuffling around the room but I can tell that both Jaden and Griffin are still in bed.

I can makeout more of what they are saying the more awake I become

"Shhh you are being loud" Jaden whisper yells
Someone is rubbing my back it feels really good I mumble slightly pushing back into the hand
"It's to late he's waking up" Griffin laughs the hand on my back moves away then
"Nooooo" I whine finally opening my eyes Griffin looks down at me worried for a moment
"You stopped rubbing my back" I whine again

That earns a bunch of laughs that's when I finally realize why I was hearing moving around some of the guys are in our room on the empty bed. Griffin just smiles and goes back to rubbing my back.

"You are going to turn him into a spoiled brat" chase laughs
"He's already spoiled" Jaden laughs kissing my head before finally rolling out of bed
"Oh leave him alone chase he's sick remember" Noen scolds him

I finally begin to stretch in bed knowing I'll have to wake up soon
"Come on join the land of the living" Griffin laughs

I look up at him shirtless sitting back against the headboard he looks really good his facial hair has grown out a bit he's looking a bit scruffy he looks down at me giving me a small smirk and holy shit he's hot.

I finally sit up a little and look at the guys in the room
"Why?" I ask them
"We wanted to go get breakfast" Payton says bouncing slightly on the bed I see the clock on the nightstand blinking 7:30
"It's soo early" I groan trying to lay back down but Griffin won't let me
"Oh no you don't we're getting up you can't spoon me all day" he says causing the boys to laugh finally dragging me out of bed and too the bathroom.

Jaden's in his boxers in the bathroom finishing his hair.
"Finally you are up" he laughs I go to wash my face and brush my teeth he's working on Griffin's hair now
"Why do you always do his hair" I asked sitting on the counter
"Because I like doing it" he says
"Would you maybe want to do mine" I asked shyly
He looks up at me and smiles "of course bud I'd love to"

I wait on the counter while he finishes up Griffin's hair. He instructs Griffin to go find us clothes once he's done since him doing my hair will cause us to take longer to get ready.

He smiles at me having me sit on the bench Griff was just on. He's quiet while he works softly moving my hair around after about ten minutes he runs his fingers through it tossling it slightly before spraying it lightly with hair spray

"You look sooo cute!" He gushes at me I turn to look in the mirror he pretty much put slightly waves and curls in it giving me a tastefully messy look.

"I really like it" I tell him hugging him around his waist since I'm still sitting and he's standing

"Okay love birds can you two get dressed so we can go" he says laughing from the door way he's dressed holding our clothes for us.

Jaden is quick to get dressed and go back out to the room I take my time still a bit tired Griffin has brought me my blue collared shirt with white flowers  and a pair of black jeans.

I change putting in my earrings and a my necklace on I look over and notice griffin hadn't left the bathroom

"Enjoy the show" I ask giggling
"I did very much" he says smirking he comes forward pulling me to him he grasps my chin softly before gently kissing me

This is what I thought a first kiss was supposed to be soft and sweet were you can feel the love but I pull away quickly because what about Jaden

"That was hot but where's my kiss?" Jaden says from the door way I'm just kinda frozen They move to eachother and kiss softly before pulling away
"What about you bud you gonna give me a kiss" he asks moving towards me I saw griffin leave the bathroom probably to keep the guys at bay since we've taken so long.

I look back to Jaden he smiles at me "is this okay" he asks I just nod not trusting my voice he pulls me close I put my arms around his neck when he kisses me it just feels right he's not as gentle as Griffin it's like he was excited that he got to kiss me his hands at the small of my back hold me close he gives me one last more gentle kiss before pulling away.
"We should go" he says I can still just nod

"Finally!!" Chase and Payton groan as we emerge from the bathroom "let's go!" The yell rushing to the door 
"Anthony your hair looks so good" Noen says
"Thanks" I say blushing we walk together to the elevators

We had to order an Uber to take us to a little diner we were a seat short and Jaden was quick to put me into his lap for the ride there.

At the diner I'm sat in between Jaden and Griffin as usual Noen sits directly across from me.

Griffin again orders for me and it's just nice to hangout and relax with our friends after yesterday. My boys are taking care of me yesterday I just over thought everything I was to in my head my best friends wouldn't abandon me. I should have known but I'm still kinda stuck on what happened this morning though

My best friends that are dating kissed me
And I liked it what do I do know?

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now