Chapter nine

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Anthony's Pov: We are sat in a circle on the floor we have a water bottle in the middle they tell Jaden that since it's his idea he can start he spins the bottle gently and makes two full spends and it lands on Griff who sits right next to him.

They laugh pulling eachother along to the hall closet by the door

"Don't have too much fun" Payton call's laughing.

We just talk normally waiting for their timer to be up
When it dings we yell and bang on the door they come out laughing obviously no one thought they did anything together but it's just a fun idea they go around the circle from there for who's turn it is

At one point though Jaden adjusted his hoodie slightly and I see a peek an what looks like hickeys the only thing is they are all red and fresh looking but one dark yellowish one in the middle like they were purposely placed around the healing sensitive one.

My thoughts are broken when the bottle lands on me before I know it me and Chaser are in the closet but it's not awkward we play thumb wars and Rock Paper Scissors but it was a bit hard in the dark the doors are yanked open in the middle of an intense thumb war that I claim victory too.

On my turn to spin the bottle lands on Griffin he laughs and helps me up holding my hand on the way to the closest he turns back once before stepping in seemingly giving Jaden a look.

I can barely see Griff in the closet we are close together but not smushed in super close I can make out his face I have to look up though to make eye contact.

He places his hand gently on my hip
"Anthony tell me about your first kiss" he asks sternly but softly as to not be heard by the boys
"It was nothing special" I tell him honestly looking down I was relieved to talk about it really
"Who was it with" he questions
"Just some random girl" I say
"Did you like her" he asks it feels like he's moved closer holding me almost
"Not even a little" I tell him sad at the thought I don't even know her name
"Have you ever kissed a boy?" I can hear the curiosity in his tone
"No but I wouldn't mind it or anything" I say not really understanding where this is going But I know our time is coming to and end quickly

Griffin gently strokes my cheek easing my nerves as he lifts my chin up I can see the smile on his face and smile back

And then he kisses me

It's soft and gentle and extremely surprising but he strokes my cheek and holds me close and it feels okay I kiss back. He pulls away slowly wiping his mouth.

"Now you can say you've kissed a boy my little prince" he whispers sweetly he steps away slightly and I'm completely star struck.

Suddenly the door is pulled open and we leave the closet me trying to pretend that nothing happened. But something did and I really liked it.

The night continues and we move on to uno when suddenly Griffin stands up moving quickly too his stuff

"Anthony I completely forgot I got something for you" he says randomly

He walks back to the group with something behind his back

"Close your eyes" he says and I do

He gently places something on my head and tells me to open my eyes and look in the mirror I open them slowly all the boys have big smiles on their faces most trying not to laugh.

I walk slowly over to the mirror and that's when I see it he bought me the little plastic tiara with the blue gem in the center. Once I see it the boys start laughing Griffin wraps his arms around me

"There's my little prince" he yells laughing before placing a big wet kiss on my cheek.

I know I should be embarrassed but all I can think is that's the second time Griffin has kissed me tonight.

Jaden's Pov: it's late all the boys are still in our room it's almost two in the morning we are talking about when we lost our virginity or our best sexual experience Anthony stays quiet in these conversations unless directly asked a question he's always been a bit shy about this stuff I don't know why though it's not like he doesn't pull girls left and right.

I'm laying on the bed next to Griffin everyone else on the floor in front of the tv when he whispers "I kissed him"

I side eye him before whispering back a "who"
"Anthony" he states simply

I know we've both thought about it in the last few days Anthony has really grown into himself in the past few months he's matured and well it's just down right attractive.

"How was it" I ask back discreetly
"It was sweet but" he answers almost unsure I give him a curious look
"It's not like he was bad but it seemed like he was inexperienced like he'd only been kissed a handful of times" he said quietly making sure no one else was listening 

I look at Griffin seriously when I tell him "I don't think Anthony is as experienced as he's lead on... I think that's why he doesn't talk about stuff without being prompted like the other boys talk so freely about it"

Griffin gives me a sad look but nods in agreement "why wouldn't he just tell us?" He asks
"He's embarrassed" I state simply us both of us look over sadly and Anthony he's still wearing that silly tiara laughing with the boys on the floor.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now