Chapter sixteen

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Anthony's Pov: back at the hotel we are hanging out together with the boys Noen goes out to the balcony to film and I follow him.

"Hey can I talk to you?" I ask
"Sure man what's up" he askes brushing his hair out of his face
"Um soooo Jaden and Griffin have been like kissing me and idk what to do?" I ask simply
"I think those little forehead and cheek kisses are cute it shows they really care" he swoons
"No Noen they kissed me like on the mouth like this morning that's why we took so long to get ready they took turns kissing me.... I-I don't know what to do?" I tell him

"Do you not what them kissing you because you shouldn't let them take advantage of you like that" he says seriously
"That's the problem I do like it" I whisper " I don't just like the kissing I actually like them but they are actually dating and I don't know what to do"

"Anthony just tell them you like them not one of the guys would care about all three of you being together you three are always together anyways It would seem they like you back physically and I mean we all know they care about you deeply I wouldn't be surprised if you all ended up together eventually" Noen tells me putting a hand on my shoulder
"Thanks Noen that really means a lot man" I say
"Word" he nods at me before I go back inside

I go to stand behind Griffin who's sitting in the desk chair
I bend down to whisper in his ear "can you and Jaden come back to the room with me I wanna cuddle and I need to talk to y'all" I tell him
He nods and we leave after saying goodbye to the guys

We cuddle up in bed together a random TV movie playing "what's up bud?" Jaden asks

"I like kissing both of you" I say quietly
"That's good" Griffin says resting his head on my shoulder I can feel his stubble scratch me lightly
"But you two are dating eachother" I say
"And we both like you" Jaden says matter of factly
"You like me?!" I asks my heart skipping a beat
"Is it not obviously we take care of you tell you how much we love you and we kiss and cuddle you all the time" Jaden starts "we've both kissed you and I thought we made it clear we were attracted to you" Griffin finishes for him

I sit for a moment unsure of what to do and say "But you are dating eachother not me" is what I finally say "Well maybe we both want to date you" Griffin says close to my ear
"So now you are fighting over me?" I ask confused
"No Anthony we want all three of us to be together" Jaden says softly
"I talked to Noen that's what he said to he said he wouldn't be surprised if we all ended up together" I tell them

They laugh "So then be ours" the say together
"I've never been in a relationship before" I tell them seriously
"You don't have to say yes if you aren't ready little prince but just know well always take care of you no matter what" Griffin says holding me close like he's afraid I'll disappear
"I-I think" I start trying to find the right words "yes-yes I'll be yours" I finally say looking at them.

I'm attacked with kisses Jaden and Griffin pulling me back and forth fighting for my attention they are holding so close telling me sweet nothings calling me beautiful and perfect and that's all them, they are the most amazing people in the world.

"Okay okay calm down you horn dogs" I laugh lightly
"We are just so happy" Jaden mumbles his head on my chest
"When I talked to Noen earlier he said he thought they guys would be fine with all three of us being together but do you really think we should tell them" I ask after a few minutes of cuddling together
"I absolutely think they'd be okay with it but we won't tell anyone if you aren't ready" Griff says
"If you think it's okay I want to do it" I whisper softly to them

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now