Chapter eighteen

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Jaden's Pov: I'm sitting in Griffin's lap cuddled together while Anthony is making videos with some of the boys.

We've all grown even closer if that's even possible. Bryce and Taylor invite us to come make some videos with them and Griffin is thirst trapping let me tell you.

"Well damn I guess I understand what they see in you" Bryce laughs shoving Griffin lightly towards Mee
"I'm a sex magnet what can I say" he laughs
"Yeah okay big boy don't get ahead of yourself" I laugh

Just then Payton and chase coming running in with Anthony's phone locking themselves in the bathroom.

Anthony is following right behind but isn't quick enough to keep them from locking the bathroom door. He pounds on the door
"Guys come on give it back" he calls
"We will when we are done" chase calls

"What are they doing" I ask him as he pouts
"I don't know they figured out my password and took my phone" he throws himself on to the bed

By now all the guys have come back into the room trying to figure out what Chase and Payton were doing

"Oh My God" Payton yells in the bathroom

Soon they come stumbling out and Anthony is quick to snatch his phone back

"Well are you going to tell us what the point of that was" josh asks impatiently
"Well we were gonna go through his text with Jaden and Griffin cause Payton thinks Griffin makes them call him daddy" Chase starts resulting in Griffin trying and failing to not laugh

"But we found something else" Payton states Chase gives him an unsure look

Me and my boys look at eachother not sure what dirty thing they could have found

"What was it" the boys ask excitedly

"They haven't all had sex together yet" chase says still giving Payton a look like he's trying to convince him not to push further

The boys are looking at us surprised and mildly disappointed at not getting any good tea

"But" Payton starts

Griffin seems to realize what the found
"Payton" he says sternly "don't" he says
But Payton doesn't listen

"They haven't done it because Anthony is a virgin!" Payton squeals

It hasn't even been out of his mouth for five seconds before Anthony bolts out the door

The guys laugh obviously not believing it till the realize Anthony has left and they see my shocked face Griffins face is blank for a moment

"Wait really?" Joe and Jason ask in unison
The rest of the guys quiet down Chase looking extremely guilty at the dirty look Noen is throwing him

"Yes really!" Payton giggles obviously not understanding how badly he's fucked up

Griffin's expression doesn't stay blank long because in a blink of the eye he's obviously pissed and next thing we know He has Payton pinned to the wall.

The kid is obviously terrified and confused
"I'm gonna beat the living shit out of you" Griffin growls at him fists cleaned

That's when everyone moves we are quick to pull him away from Payton I hate Payton in this moment but I can see that he obviously doesn't understand what he did

I'm in from of Griffin hands on his face keeping his eyes on me and not on Payton trying to calm him down

"What it was funny even I've done it and I'm the youngest one here" Payton says looking at everyone but everyone is still too shocked at Griffin's out burst to say anything.

That's when I snap "You know what Payton that's exactly why Griffin tried to tell you not to say anything and exactly why Anthony bolted the moment you said something because you just don't know when to shut up somethings aren't your business and aren't yours to share. It's not funny it had Anthony really depressed for awhile because he thought his friends wouldn't look at him the same and would make fun of him and that's exactly what y'all didn't you laughed at him how fucking could you you'll be lucky if he ever talks to you again" I rant at him

I quickly pull Griffin from the room hoping Anthony will be hiding in our room and not have run off somewhere.

We find him crying in the corner between the bed and the wall obviously trying to hide himself from the world

Griffin scoops him off the ground quickly sitting on the bed with him I sit on my knees next to them rubbing Anthony's back

"It'll be okay little prince" Griffin whispers petting his hair

"No it Won't he ruined everything I hate him I hate him" he cries shoving lightly at Griffin's chest

"They weren't supposed to ever know they're gonna make fun of me" he cries harder

"Then they weren't ever your real friends and you don't need them baby" I tell him

He just cries for over an hour I thought he was never gonna stop but me and Griffin just held him till he calmed down I moved him to my lap laying us back in bed as Griffin gets him some water and a washcloth for his face.

There's a knock at the door and Griffin goes to answer it

Griffin's Pov: I answer the door to find Noen standing there holding a bag Chase behind him looking at the ground

"Is he okay" Noen asks softly
"As good as he can be I guess" I tell him letting him in

"Hey Ant we brought you ice cream and some snack and sodas" he says sitting gently on the end of the bed

Chase lingers by the entrance of the room obviously feeling really guilty

"Thanks" Anthony whispers softly sitting up some more

"Anthony I'm really sorry man I tried to tell Payton it wasn't anyone's business I just couldn't get him to keep his mouth shut I really never meant for anything like this to happen" Chase gushes tears in his eyes he finally sits by Noen on the bed

"It wasn't your fault" Anthony says before attacking the two boys in hugs

We all sit for awhile eating snacks and ice cream talking with a movie playing in the background

"I know you don't want to hear this" Noen starts "but Payton really didn't mean to upset you he didn't understand why it was such a big deal and no one thinks any differently of you Payton was really upset too after Jaden told him off he understands know what he did I know he's really sorry" he says

"You told him off" Anthony asks Jaden
"Yeah I told him off after we had to stop Griffin from beating him up" Jaden tells him I elbow him slightly

"Thank you...all of you for sticking up for me and making sure I'm okay" he says to all of us

"God tomorrow is gonna be rough" he says and we all just laugh finally starting to really relax

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now