Chapter two

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Anthony's POV: We wake up to Griffin's alarm going off the next morning I roll over right into Jaden but I'm to tired to care I just cuddle up to him and try to drown out the noise.

Griffin groans and finally shuts off the alarm I hear him moving around for a minute before I feel a dip in my bed. Griffin climbs in behind me and whispers a quiet good morning.

Me and all the guys have never had a problem being physical with eachother we hug and cuddle all the time we are all just really close like a family.

Jaden finally opens his eyes to see the two of us looking at him. He cracks a smile and rubs his eyes when all of a sudden my stomach growls crazy loud. Both boys bust out laughing while I roll my eyes.

"So breakfast then?" Jaden asks we all agree and Griffin texts the group chat to see if anyone else would like to join

We all change not bothering to take turns in the bathroom none of us really care we just turn around and change. We are all just in sweats and T-shirts all still half asleep.

Griffin ushers us out of the room practically pulling me and Jaden along down to the lobby where Payton, Chase and Noen are waiting for us. They are are sluggish but greet us warmly. We just walk across the street to ihop for breakfast.

Once seated in a large both we all order coffees and waters. I look through the menu while bumping my feet under the table with Jadens. I know what I want but I hate the idea of ordering I really am shy people just never seem to notice I close my menu and gently tap my fingers on the table.

Griffin leans over bumping shoulders with me and asks what I'm getting "chocolate chip pancakes and bacon" I reply and he smiles and tells me he prefers blueberry I laugh lightly and look over at Jaden who now has his head resting on the table.

The waiter comes over to take our orders and Chase and Payton being the goofs they are order those smiley face pancakes. She continues to take orders till she gets to Me and Griffin he orders his blueberry  pancakes first but then he does something that shocks me.

"And he'll have a stack of chocolate chip pancakes with a side of bacon" he says coolly

The waiter leaves and I turn to look at Griffin he just smiles and pats my knee "I got you buddy" he whispers before turning back to everyone else at the table. We all talk amongst ourselves taking silly pictures or eachother slumped over the table but I can't help but think about how confident Griffin seemed in ordering for me he didn't stutter or stumble over the order he didn't even question why he was ordering for me he just did it without a problem. Something so simple that I struggle with he does with ease and It just makes me admire the older boy more.

Our food comes and we eat and talk about our plans for the day tomorrow we will have our first meet and greet so we just decide to chill at the hotel for the day and watch movies.

By now I'm wide awake and as we leave back to the hotel I grab Jadens had to skip across the street Payton skips along to join us giggling at our antics.

We all go back to our rooms the other boys saying they'll come to our room later for movies. Griffin and  Jaden are laying on one of the beds together watching TikToks when I decide I want to shower and relax.

Smut warning

I make my way into the bathroom and start the shower I sit on the counter waiting for it to heat up when I decide maybe I should rub one out. I grow hard and begin to palm myself as I look on my phone for something to watch I find a video I thought peeked my interest. A basic blonde girl getting it hard but a few minutes into the video I realize this isn't doing it for me I scroll threw a few more videos trying to find something to get off too but I begin to grow soft. I shrug it off as a not being able to do it with the guys just in the other room and climb into the shower.

I shower quickly since I wasted so much time trying to jerk off. I get out and dry off I wrap the towel around my waist and walk out to my suitcase to change.

Jaden whistles and Griffin cat calls at me I just smile and laugh calling them idiots while I get changed.

Thirty minutes later we had Noen, Chase, Payton and Chaser in our room ready to watch a movie. I turn off the lights and close the curtains

"Come here big boy" Jaden says as he pulls me onto the bed between him and Griffin. We are watching a scary movie the nun I think it is I am not a fan but cuddled between these two I can't help but feel comfortable.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now