Chapter twentysix

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Anthony's Pov: Today was our last tour date and I was excited to see our fans but I'm really trying to keep it together tomorrow afternoon me and Griffin fly home, leaveing Jaden to fly back to Cali and I don't really know when we'll see him again exactly.

We were all gathered together before the start of the meet and greet everyone is hyping eachother up quite a lot of hugging I mean we're kind of emotional dudes.

We get everything set up and they bring all the girls in and honestly it's just like every other meet and greet.

I mean it was special because it's the last one the summer is almost over it's the end of this experience but the meet and greet is no different than the others. It's the same setup meet fans lots of hugs a picture, being given gifts that make my heart so happy not knowing what to do when girls start crying.

But I love it, I love doing this, I love my fans, and I love doing this with all my friends.

Honestly though I wish the meet and greet had lasted longer I wish there were more shows and that this could last forever. But not because of the fans...

Because I'm scared for it to end

Tomorrow afternoon everything changes in my life I wont be living with my family anymore, I'm moving in with one of my boyfriends and I won't be able to see the other.

As we leave the meet and greet I lean against Jaden holding his hand I never want to let him go.

"You okay baby" he asks my squeezing my hand

"I don't want it to be over" I tell him

He just smiles at me for a second
"Baby I'm sure we'll do a tour again" he tells me

"I'm not ready to leave you" I say

Jaden stops walking he turns to me and places his hands on my face making me look at him.
"Baby I know we won't be together but I'll always be here for you we'll talk everyday we'll visit as much as possible you won't even notice I'm not there" he tells me

"Of course I'll notice you aren't there who will sing at the top of their lungs in the shower and curl my hair just so they can mess it up and who will sleep on the other side of me to keep me from falling off the bed" I cry desperately why isn't he affected by this

We're leaving we won't be together for who knows how long and him and Griffin don't seem to care!

"Baby it's going to be okay" he says stroking my cheek I try to turn away from him I catch Griffin looking over with worry not sure if he should step in or not he doesn't look sad about leaving Jaden though.

"Why don't you guys care that we won't be together why don't you care that we're leaving eachother" I say tears are forming in my eyes my breaths are getting shorter the more worked up I get.

Jaden holds my face still keeping my eyes on him but I see Griffin come to place his hand on Jadens shoulder then I feel his other hand make it's way to the small of my back to rub softly.

"I'm sorry baby We really do know how it feels to be leaving eachother we know it hurts but we've left eachother before and it always worked out in the end." Jaden tells me

That's when I remember they've always kinda had something going on between them they've know eachother longer they've had to say goodbye to eachother and go months apart before. Sure we've left eachother before but to my knowledge we had all just been friends but now we're boyfriends I love them and it feels like the world is ending having to leave Jaden.

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now