Chapter twentythree

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Anthony's Pov: Everyone is gathered upstairs now in our room Trent has been on the phone none stop everyone is fairly quiet.

Griffin called his mom and told her what happened his family supports us completely and Jaden's family called him and gives us all their love and support.

My brothers and a few cousins texted me they all wished me the best told me they loved and supported me no matter what but none of them mentioned my parents and I still haven't heard from them.

Its been about three hours now since everything was leaked. And the boys are trying to take our minds off it.

I feel my phone buzzing I pull it out of my pocket to see who's calling. I take a deep breath and stand after reading the caller ID.

"My moms calling" I say
Griffin and Jaden quickly stand guiding me away from the group and out to the balcony as they close the door I answer putting the call on speaker

"Hey mom" I say
"Anthony?" She asks
"Yeah mom" I reply
"Is it true" she asks
"Are you really dating those two boys" she sounds so...hurt?
"Ye-yeah mom" I stutter
She lets out a sob
"Mom?" I ask
"Baby why?" She asks
"Why what mom?" I don't understand what's going on
"Why are you like this why...why are you a f*g" she goes from sounding sad to composed and hateful.
"Mom" a sob escapes me
"Why would you say that?" I cry
"God wouldn't want this Anthony and I certainly don't want it in my house." She says harshly
" please" i sob Jaden and Griffin seem stunned they are holding me close
"When you come home I want you to pack your stuff and leave" she says
"No no mom please" I beg
"I love you Anthony but I can not support this" she says ending the call

My world feels like it ending I push myself up to stand but my legs shake and my knees give.
Griffin catches me and pulls me against his chest.

"Where am I gonna go" I cry "what am I gonna do"
"We'll figure it out baby" Jaden says hugging me and Griffin.
"We'll take care of you Little Prince we aren't ever gonna leave you" Griffin reassures me

They wipe my tears and place soft kisses on my head before guiding me back into the room.

Griffin takes me to the bed immediately to set me down as my legs continue to feel weak. I'm trying my best to hold it together and I know my boys are too.

Jaden shuts the balcony door softly I watch him take a deep breath before turning around to the boys they are all just staring at us Jaden sits next to me and takes my hand.

He looks at the boys and just shakes his head.

"Oh Anthony we're so sorry" Noen cries rushing to me to pull me into a hug and one right after the other the boys are pulling me into hugs and telling me it'll be okay and that we are family and that they will always be here for me.

I don't even realize I'm crying at first not till Payton hugs me tightly around my waist "please don't cry" he says he's visibly upset too in fact all the guys are.

Noen and Chase are near tears When Payton pulls away Bryce pulls him into his side and holds him tightly all of the guys have arms around eachother supporting one another.

"I love you guys" I tell them through my tears

We all settled on the floor in a heep cuddled together Jaden and Griffin on either side of me Payton laying his head on my legs Noen and Chase are cuddled together by my feet.

We get pizza delivered to the room we all eat together talking doing our best to keep our minds off of what happened.

This is my family. This is my home. These guys love me and that's all I need.

Jaden's Pov: I kept it together for Anthony but I'm not quite sure what we are going to do I mean he might be able to move to Cali with me but that's a big move Griffin is still living at home because of school but he's only a few hours away for Anthony now.

I just know I have to take care of my baby. Ever since that call with his mom I haven't been able to let go of him. I don't know if I'm afraid for him or me falling apart but I just know I have to be with him.

We'll be on the bus all day tomorrow and I know we need to address the fans we didn't even talk about them we were so worried about our families. 

All the boys have gone back to their rooms we all have to pack to leave in the morning. Packing doesn't take long but cleaning up the room does.

In the end we all get ready for bed in sweats and T-shirts so we can just roll out of bed in the morning and hop on the bus.

We settle into bed and we hold eachother tighter than ever before

"I love you" I whisper to them
"We love you too" they whisper back

Just A Little Shy (Anthony, Jaden, Griffin)Where stories live. Discover now