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For those of you who haven't read the description here, Read it. It's important, for those who did skip to the bold and underlined at the end:

It's been months since The Paladins found the Blue Lion and flew off into space. It's been months since they started fighting against Zarkon and The Galra Empire. During all those months, the Paladins have honed their skills and bonded more.

Shiro being space dad made everyone train harder and harder, one training involved two on two team building to be 'more in sinc' as he put it. Keith and Pidge train together being the arms, and Lance and Hunk being the legs train together. During that time Keith and Pidge have grown closer so did Lance and Hunk.

But one month, the Galra seemed to be inactive and it stunned all the Paladins. The only ones who knew what was going on was Coran, Allura, The Blades of Mamora and the rest of the universe who knew. It was mating season. Allura and Coran decided not to tell the Paladins and say that they could rest for a while and plan more attacks for when the Galra were active again because it was even more dangerous to attack during these two months.

But they hadn't thought of their own Galra Hybrid...

During the season Galra gets highly aggressive and territorial and very possessive of their mates.

What happens when Keith starts clinging onto Pidge more? What happens when he starts being more aggressive towards the others? What happens when he starts to transform? What will Allura do if she sees him transformed?

Just for u to understand. This is setted when Zarkon is still alive and in control. They haven't met Lotor in this book. Keith is still the Red Paladin and Shiro the Black Paladin and Lance the Blue Paladin. Why? Cause I miss it and I don't like Allura being a Paladin for some odd reason. I just really dislike her, don't judge me. And they know and are in Alliance with the Blades and Keith has gained their trust and everyone knows he's part Galra and he has Kosmo already. And Keith wasn't always out with the Blades he was always there for Voltron yes he went to them occasionally but was there when they needed Voltron

Also Lance and Allura are already dating.

Understand? No? Okay then read again until u get it then continue with the book!!

Oh! And sorry for all the Klance shippers, I'm not very fond of the ship, I still like it don't get me wrong, I just don't like it that much. I just like Kidge more.

Updates every Saturday or whatever time zone you're in

Okay onto the story

Galra Mating Season [Kidge]Where stories live. Discover now