Chapter 20

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It was the last week of the season and everyone in the castle was getting ready for Keith and Pidge's return. Allura was especially excited yet nervous. She really wanted to apologize for what she had done and really hoped they would forgive her.

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"Everyone make sure you have all your weapons before going out to hunt" the Chief of the Oak Wood Village said. The hunting group of the village were setting out to go hunt for whatever the creature is that is stealing animals from their live stock. They were afraid that the creature would start going after the kids that were in the village and the Chief doesnt want to risk that.

The hunting group set out into the woods. The ventured deep into the wood. Half of them had spears while the rest had either knives, bow and arrows or shields. They were determined to find and kill whatever creature lurkes out there. The inhabitants of this planet was very familiar with all types of animals that is found here so if they see some animal and they won't recognize it and if its purple? They would know that its the creature they have been searching for.

The Chief of the Oak Wood Village had also informed nearby villages about this creature that was roaming their planet and asked them to join so that they could ensure the safety of everyone. So in total there were four hunting parties. Each coming from a different village and each containing atleast 20 memebers.

"Urrgg does this purple creature even exist Franchise?" a hunter from the Oak Wood hunting party asked the Hydran who had spotted Keith that night. "Yes I am absolutely sure that there is a creature like that, Wilder. I saw it with my own eyes and you know I have the best eyesight in the village" Franchise said. "Your eyes could've played tricks on you. It was night time after all. Even with the best eyesight, you still couldve seen things" Wilder said.

"I told yo-" "Shh" Wilder hushed Franchise. "What" Franchise whispered "I dont want to hear your crap" Wilder whispered back and continued walking on. "Oh haha very fun-" Franchise started again "Shh" Wilder hushed him again. "Oh I'm not falling for that aga-" "No really shut up. Look" Wilder whispered and pointed his finger to the distance.

The whole hunting party looked to where Wilder was pointing "There's nothing but that Antler (what they call a caribou)" Franchise said. "No there's something else there, just look" Wilder said. And they looked again.

All of a sudden something flew out of the tall grass and stabbed the antler in the side, it was this huge sword-like thing with red streaks on it and a gem with three red glowing claw marks. "What threw that!?" Someone in the hunting party asked. The antler was in shock and pain and started running. All of a sudden they saw a purple creature jump out of the tall grass and started running after the antler, picking up the glowing red sword-thing

"That is the exact tail I saw that night! That's the creature!" Franchise yelled. "Okay send out the signal to the other parties and give them out location. We got the creature" Wilder said and signalled everyone to start running after the creature.


Keith had gone out on another hunt. He had come across a wondering antler. They normally are in a herd of 5 but some tend to wonder off on their own. Keith definitely wasnt going to pass of this opportunity. He creeped low in the tall grass that was surrounding him. He was getting ready to throw his blade when he suddenly heard a noise in the distance. He suddenly perked up his ears but had kept his head and body down.


Maybe it was a smaller creature or something. Keith went back to focusing on the hunt. He transformed his blade and threw it at the antler, and had struck it in it's side. The antler became distressed and started running. These animals had very thick skin, especially the adults so that throw would've only pricked it. Keith immediately started running after it, as he ran he picked up his sword and chased after it.

He had been chasing it for a while and the thing about this animal is whilst having very thick skin they have weak stamina so it would'nt have taken very long for Keith to catch up. As Keith went in for the final kill he was suddenly tripped. What? He quickly got up only for his nose to be filled with the scent of various Hydrans. Keith realized he was surrounded by a lot of them.

"What a Galra?" Someone shouted "I thought they were all driven off the planet by Voltron!" Another said. This wasnt good. "Its Mating Season after all, so this one must have a mate somewhere here aswell" another said, this triggered Keith "Don't you touch her!" Keith yelled. "And what if we do?" Wilder said with a smirk on his face.

Without warning Keith struck. He had to get back to Pidge. He had to hold them off or try to get them further away from the den, but he has to injure a few. He didnt want to hurt or kill any of them but he had no choice. Keith blade came into contact with Wilder's sword. "You're a fast one ain't ya" Wilder said "Strike!" Wilder shouted. Suddenly they all started attacking.

They had even struck Wilder. This surprised Keith, why would they strike their own? But what had surprised him more was that his wounds completely healed up. "Hehe surprised?" Wider said. "We're called Hydra's for a reason ya'know. We have the power to regenerate. If our head goes, no worries. There's only one way of killing us" he said "But we'd never tell you that"

A fight broke out. This was going to be tricky. There were millions of them, Keith was sure he wouldn't be able to defeat them all so he started running. And before any of them followed Wilder ordered them to stop. "Why? We had him and you're just gonna let him go?" Franchise yelled at Wilder. "Calm down I sent someone after him. They going to follow him and find the den and in the den is the-" "Mate" "Yes. So we're killing two birds with one stone" Wilder said and signalled everyone to retreat.

Words: 1087

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