Chapter 7

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Lance didn't mean to hurt Pidge, yes he meant to take her down but he didn't mean to injure her this badly. Lance was running towards Pidge. Blood was flowing out of her wound. Hunk was laying on the ground in shock of what had happened. Allura, Shiro and Coran came running down as fast they could from the control room. Everyone was in a panic, adrenaline running through all their veins.

This is all my fault!! Dammit Lance!! You idiot!! You should've listened to Hunk when he said to put your blaster on stun mode!! Lance was scolding himself as he was running to Pidge's aid.

His arm was stretched out, trying to get to Pidge when all of a sudden someone held onto his outstretched arm. It was Keith. Lance looked him in the face about to scold him and ask him why he stopped him but froze in fear of what he saw...

Where the white of his eyes were, it had turned yellow, his once wide purple eyes turned dark and became thinner, almost into a slit. His canine teeth seemed to have grown longer and above all sharper. He had an animalistic feature.



"K-Keith?" Lance asked, still trembling in fear. When Keith had clutched onto Lance's arm, it had stopped Allura, Shiro and Coran from running to Pidge. They were shocked at what was happening. And when he yelled, it made the hair on their neck stand up. This is terrifying.

Lance had come over the shock and tried to pry his arm out of Keith's grasp. "Keith let me go, Pidge needs medical attention!" Keith's grasp only grew tighter as he growled and said in a voice that almost sounds demonic "I said stay away from her" with each word that came out of his mouth his grasp grew tighter. Lance flinched at the growing pain "Keith let me go, I need to help Pidge. AHH" Keith had tightened his grasp so tightly that he snapped Lance's arm.

Lance tried to take his arm away again but with the newly found pain, it was inscruiatingly painful and to make matters worse, Keith wasn't letting go. "Keith let Lance go!" Coran shouted out trying to pick up Pidge. Keith saw this and as fast as lighting, he threw Lance at him making him drop her "DON'T TOUCH HER!" he shouted as he rushed to where Pidge was.

Pidge was out cold from all the blood loss. Keith was standing over her protectively. "KEITH, SHE NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION" Shiro called out to Keith, but Keith didn't listen. He didn't know what was going on. He just heard a voice inside his head saying "Protect Mate" And that is exactly what he's going to do.

Shiro and Allura were cautiously approaching Keith not wanting to provoke him, but with every step they took, he starting crouching lower, his growling increasing and his muscles visibly tensing. He had a battle stance that Shiro knows all to well. This was his most dangerous battle stance and if u aren't careful, you can get seriously hurt. But with Keith like this right now, I think it's safe to say that u could die if you aren't careful.

Shiro knows all his battle stances and they all have one thing in common, each of them has their own unique pattern, but this one? There is a reason why this battle stance is the most dangerous out of them all, this form doesn't have a pattern, it's unpredictable, there is no telling where he's going to strike, how he's going to strike or when he'll strike.

"Allura you see his stance?" he asked Allura "Yeah? What about it?" "You have to be careful, that's his feral stance, it's really dangerous and his attacks can be very deadly and unpredictable" "Okay so feral stance equals death, got it" they continued to walk towards him.

"Keith, u need to let us get to Pidge so we can help her, she's seriously injured and we need to get her to the medical pods immediately" Shiro tried talking to him, but it didn't work, all he got was "STAY AWAY" They hadn't stopped getting closer to him and Pidge and when they got to a certain point, Keith decided that since they didn't listen to his warning he'll attack. He did just that.

He lunged forward to attack them, he had his Galra Blade out and extended, but it wasn't the normal one, no this one seemed different. His blade was longer and thicker than normal, the glowing purple on his sword was replaced with red and the emblem of his sword had turned into three claw marks. Now Shiro was certain they'd die.

Keith was about to stab Allura when he just froze. He fell to his knees and passed out, his blade returning to its dagger form. Allura and Shiro looked up and saw Hunk with his blaster pointed to where Keith stood. He was breathing heavily and he was shaking. He had never shot one of his team mates before, but luckily his gun was set to stun mode.

Keith's eyes and teeth had turned back to normal and Allura dropped to the ground. Relief rushing through her whole body. That all happened so fast that if Hunk hadnt shot Keith, it would've been the end of her....

Words: 900

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